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June 9th, 2015
Leica LIDAR Survey Studio 2.2 Provides Colour-Coded Point Clouds for Advanced Post-Processing

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Heerbrugg/Switzerland, June 9, 2015 — Leica Geosystems today released a new version of its LIDAR Survey Studio (LSS) software package for post-processing of airborne LIDAR data such as the Leica DragonEye, Chiroptera and HawkEye. LSS includes a full-capability 3D Point Cloud Viewer and an Analysis toolbox.

LSS now integrates LIDAR point cloud data with RGB and near-infrared imagery from high resolution cameras making color-coded point clouds available in the LIDAR Survey Studio software. Now, every LIDAR point has allocated RGBN values, stored in the standard LAS 1.4 format. The point cloud can be viewed in the RGB, NIR and CIR presentations in addition to all previous views which make post-processing work more intuitive and makes reviewing of LIDAR data easier. The RGBN attributes of the point can further be used for advanced LIDAR point classification, for example in forestry and vegetation classification.

Another major improvement is an improved export / import function to the TerraScan™ software. The new feature allows the use of TerraScan’s proven filtering and point classification functions, without loss of the connection to the bathymetric LIDAR waveform and other features. This offers a significant step forward in increased productivity and in the quality assurance of bathymetric LIDAR data.

The third major new feature is the full integration of the Turbid Water Enhancement technology, allowing bathymetric LIDAR survey in poor-visibility water conditions. This enables bathymetric LIDAR survey in waters previously not suitable for bathymetric LIDAR, for example in turbid river and port environments.  

The release also includes a number of workflow efficiency and Q/A improvement tools, for example, an improved coverage plot tool enabling operator and field crews to quickly analyse the area flown after a completed survey mission and minimise re-flights, improved colour scaling, point density measurement tool and LAZ format interface.

Leica Geosystems develops and markets airborne LIDAR equipment used for hydrographic and topographic surveys around the world.

Availability The LIDAR Survey Studio 2.2 is immediately available. Please contact any authorised Leica Geosystems representative for ordering information and details.

Further information on the Leica Airborne LIDAR bathymetry solutions is available at:

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