Sensors and Systems
Breaking News

September 30th, 2011
Leaner ROV Cougar for Wind Turbines

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Seen as ideal for shallow water wind turbine construction work, four specially designed leaner versions of the Saab Seaeye Cougar XT ROV have been ordered by Pommec, the leading Netherlands-based technology provider to the diving industry. Custom designed to be both low profile and powerful enough to handle the strong currents found in the shallow waters off the Belgium coast, the slim-line Saab Seaeye Cougar XT Compact will be used by Pommec’s customer, D.E.C.O. (Diving Engineering & Consultancy Office), out of Bruges Belgium, during the construction of 48 turbines. D.E.C.O. needed an ROV system that could function in strong currents and poor visibility, and also work alongside uninterruptable high-cost pile-driving operations, 24 hours a day, with zero down time. Read More

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