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October 18th, 2011
Leading Agricultural Exhibition in Russia

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With over 600 exhibitors from 29 countries, the AgroTech Russia International Exhibition for Agricultural Machinery has registered the best attendance since its inception four years ago. Almost half of the exhibitors at AgroTech Russia came from outside Russia – The organisers expressed themselves as very pleased with this excellent international attendance. Exhibitors were very satisfied both with the event itself and with the outcome from AgroTech Russia. over 60 per cent of them were pleased or very pleased that they had attended. 80 per cent of exhibitors were satisfied or very satisfied with the number and quality of the visitors.  Around 90 per cent of exhibitors intend to be present again at the next AgroTech Russia in 2011. At roughly 20,000 farmers and agribusiness professionals, visitor numbers to AgroTech Russia were regarded as very good. The attendance by visitors with a professional interest raised from 77 per cent in 2009 to 94 per cent this year. This results strengthen the AgroTech’s leading position as the chosen platform for the Russian and international agricultural machinery industry. Read More

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