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July 21st, 2010
International Year of Forests 2011 – Logo Launch Announcement

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The UN Forum on Forests Secretariat is pleased to launch the logo for theInternational Year of Forests 2011 that has been developed in collaborationwith the UN Department of Public Information. The International Year ofForests 2011 logo is primarily intended for three kinds of promotional use:information, fund-raising and use by a commercial entity.The International Year of Forests 2011 (Forests 2011) logo is designed toconvey the theme of “Forests for People” celebrating the central role ofpeople in the sustainable management, conservation and sustainabledevelopment of our world’s forests. The iconographic elements in the designdepict some of the multiple values of forests and the need for a 360-degreeperspective: forests provide shelter to people and habitat to biodiversity;are a source of food, medicine and clean water; and play a vital role inmaintaining a stable global climate and environment. All of these elementstaken together reinforce the message that forests are vital to the survivaland well being of people everywhere, all 7 billion of us
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