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August 12th, 2010
International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures – 2010.

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In a period from 15th to 17th September 2010, in FON University – Skopje will be held
the International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures – 2010. The main focus of the
Conference will be the development and use of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI’s) and all
their aspects – technology, criteria and standards for organizing and sharing spatial data. The
realization of the European INSPIRE directive in the countries of South East Europe is expected
to be an important part of the conference also.
The conference has the ambition to become the major SDI conference in the region and be
influential for SDI development. It follows an earlier conference entitled “Importance of
developing National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Republic of Macedonia based on INSPIRE
directive” that took place in Skopje on 27 March 2009.
The conference will show the importance of SDIs and their use, on local, national or regional
level in the region of South East Europe and its relation to global initiatives. It targets the process
of spatial data sharing through the Internet, as a tool for faster, easier and simpler access to
spatial data by all stakeholders, customers and clients; the implementation of International/
Global and European criteria for organizing digital spatial data ; the impact of SDIs on all
application fields; cooperation between stakeholders such as state institutions responsible for
collecting, structuring, archiving, updating and analyzing spatial data according to their legal
mission and obligation.
Conference themes:
1. Sub national, National, Regional, Continental and Global Spatial Data Infrastructure
2. Scientific aspects of SDIs and their development
3. Methodologies for SDI development, update and upgrade
4. Technologies and standards
5. Architectures of SDIs
6. Data, data specifications, data organization and exchange mechanisms
7. SDI metadata and spatial coordinate systems
8. Building and organization of SDIs
9. Integration and compatibility of SDI’s developed by different platforms
10. Legal aspects of SDI developing and utilization
11. Experiences in SDI development on sub national, national, regional, continental and
global level
12. European INSPIRE development and implementation
13. Pan-European geographic datasets
14. Global Mapping
15. SDI as necessary tool of cartography
16. Applications of SDI in various sectors such as government, telecommunications, utilities,
cadastre, land management, environment and nature protection, disaster management,
climate changes, Earth structure, physical and urban planning, tourism and others
17. Education, training and awareness creation
18. Others
Expected Audience
The conference will bring together stakeholders interested in the development and use of SDIs,
with a focus on the region of South-East Europe. Participants from other countries-continents
would contribute with their research and experience. Scientist, researchers, industry and data
owners from public or private sector are expected to contribute to increased understanding and
awareness of SDIs in the region and to the identification of new ways of their implementation
and use.
Participation of professionals from all over the world, especially from European countries in the
conference will allow sharing their experiences in developing and using SDI’s in their countries.
Through scientific and practical solutions presented by the participants (scientific institutions-
researchers, governmental and private sector organizations), and fruitful discussions and papers,
methodologies and ways will be put forward, which will help finding out the probably best-
appropriate-common ways for developing SDI’s in the region and in general and for special
purposes and applications. Bashkim IDRIZI
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
State University of Tetova
Str. Ilindenska, bb, 1200 Tetova
Tel: + 389 75 712-998

In a period from 15th to 17th September 2010, in FON University – Skopje will be heldthe International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures – 2010. The main focus of theConference will be the development and use of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI’s) and alltheir aspects – technology, criteria and standards for organizing and sharing spatial data. Therealization of the European INSPIRE directive in the countries of South East Europe is expectedto be an important part of the conference also.The conference has the ambition to become the major SDI conference in the region and beinfluential for SDI development. It follows an earlier conference entitled “Importance ofdeveloping National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Republic of Macedonia based on INSPIREdirective” that took place in Skopje on 27 March 2009.The conference will show the importance of SDIs and their use, on local, national or regionallevel in the region of South East Europe and its relation to global initiatives. It targets the processof spatial data sharing through the Internet, as a tool for faster, easier and simpler access tospatial data by all stakeholders, customers and clients; the implementation of International/Global and European criteria for organizing digital spatial data ; the impact of SDIs on allapplication fields; cooperation between stakeholders such as state institutions responsible forcollecting, structuring, archiving, updating and analyzing spatial data according to their legalmission and obligation.

Conference themes:
1. Sub national, National, Regional, Continental and Global Spatial Data Infrastructure2. Scientific aspects of SDIs and their development3. Methodologies for SDI development, update and upgrade4. Technologies and standards5. Architectures of SDIs6. Data, data specifications, data organization and exchange mechanisms7. SDI metadata and spatial coordinate systems8. Building and organization of SDIs9. Integration and compatibility of SDI’s developed by different platforms10. Legal aspects of SDI developing and utilization11. Experiences in SDI development on sub national, national, regional, continental andglobal level12. European INSPIRE development and implementation13. Pan-European geographic datasets14. Global Mapping15. SDI as necessary tool of cartography
16. Applications of SDI in various sectors such as government, telecommunications, utilities,cadastre, land management, environment and nature protection, disaster management,climate changes, Earth structure, physical and urban planning, tourism and others17. Education, training and awareness creation18. Others
Expected Audience
The conference will bring together stakeholders interested in the development and use of SDIs,with a focus on the region of South-East Europe. Participants from other countries-continentswould contribute with their research and experience. Scientist, researchers, industry and dataowners from public or private sector are expected to contribute to increased understanding andawareness of SDIs in the region and to the identification of new ways of their implementationand use.Participation of professionals from all over the world, especially from European countries in theconference will allow sharing their experiences in developing and using SDI’s in their countries.Through scientific and practical solutions presented by the participants (scientific institutions-researchers, governmental and private sector organizations), and fruitful discussions and papers,methodologies and ways will be put forward, which will help finding out the probably best-appropriate-common ways for developing SDI’s in the region and in general and for specialpurposes and applications. Bashkim IDRIZIFaculty of Natural Sciences and MathematicsState University of TetovaStr. Ilindenska, bb, 1200 TetovaMACEDONIA
Tel: + 389 75 712-998
e-mail: [email protected]

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