The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has launched a REDD+ online database. The purpose of the database is to make information on REDD+ readiness activities and projects readily accessible for analysis and learning. The database mainly provides profiles of REDD-plus projects using a common template, but the intention is to also provide country summaries of REDD-plus policies and frameworks.
The project profiles organise information from publicly available sources (mainly project design documents). Most of the text is copied directly from these sources; hence any views or evaluative statements are those of the authors of the original documents. The project profiles include information on project location, forest areas and types, drivers of deforestation and degradation, implementation timeframe, implementation activities, estimation of emissions and removals with and without the projects, participation of communities, benefit sharing, MRV, risks and risk management, etc. Links to the original documents and websites are provided within the profiles.
The database is at an early stage of development. Further project profiles and country summaries will be added and IGES welcomes any information for the updating of the profiles and the country summaries.