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December 15th, 2010
IBGE Launches Collection of Thematic Maps Addressing Vegetation, Geology, Geomorphology and Soils of the Amazon

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The IBGE launches a collection of thematic maps addressing Vegetation, Geology, Geomorphology and Soils of the Amazon. With scale representation of the state official (1:1.800.000, that every inch equals the 18 kms) and updated satellite images, fieldwork and data from previous studies, the material was prepared as part of the commitment of IBGE produce information about natural resources throughout Brazil until 2014. The maps can now be viewed on the web. The launch event of the collection, which works for public policies of occupation I / reordenamento visa space and sustainable development through rational use of natural resources occurs at 10am (local time, 12 hours in the Brasilia time ) in the auditorium of the Dean of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), located in the av. Djalma Batista 3578, Flores neighborhood, Manaus (AM).

The maps depict the distribution of the diversity of soils, vegetation, topography and geology in the area and contain information relevant to countless activities, including teaching and research. Territorial planning, for example, can be used in understanding and evaluating the potential and limitations of land use and landscape dynamics in environmental assessment, and planning zoneamentos regional and provincial sectoral plans, such as use and water resources conservation, development corridors, roads and other systems.

The Soil Map reveals the predominance of argissolos (identified by the letters PA, PV and PVA, in respect of international correlations) and its location in the area between the Black and Lumber rivers. The latossolos (LA, LV, LVA), as read and upstate, represent the greatest potential soils for agricultural use, although poor in nutrients. In the mountains, are the neossolos Litole (RL), unsuitable for farming. Two other soil classes that deserve special attention: the gleissolos, (GX) and espodossolos (EK and ESK), mainly observed in the upper and middle basin of the Black River Basin. Both occur in areas under the flood and have a low aptitude for agriculture. The vegetation is classified as typical campinaranas espodossolos. Read More

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