As Hurricane Laura prepares to make landfall on the Gulf Coast, Esri has curated a suite of authoritative maps, apps, and data from federal agencies like FEMA, the US Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA, and more to help media and the public understand the impacts on vulnerable populations, including those dealing with COVID-19.
The Hurricane Incident Journal from FEMA shows Laura’s projected path overlaid with CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index and COVID-19 case rates from Johns Hopkins University to illustrate which vulnerable populations are most at-risk from the storm’s impacts. The app estimates the number of unemployed workers, households in poverty, and households relying on food stamps/SNAP benefits that will be impacted by either the storm’s surge or wind field.
surge and projected river and stream flooding from Hurricane Laura against live stream gauges and levee information to visualize the impacts of coastal and inland inundation from the storm.
You can find additional maps and apps, as well as authoritative data to build your own visualizations on Esri’s Disaster Response Program Hurricane Hub site.