On behalf of the Organising Committee, the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI) is pleased to announce that the GSDI 15 World Conference website is now live! The conference website offers prospective attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors the opportunity to view the conference schedule as it is being developed, learn about speakers, and easily register for conference events and programming.
Visit the website for full conference information and register today at http://m1e.net/c?73682120-SArBHjrmwWEJs%40386926919-DeI/nqCslhPic .
The GSDI 15 World Conference will take place 29 November to 2 December 2016 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center in Taiwan (Rep. of China). Leaders in spatial data infrastructure development will share candid views on the challenges and societal benefits associated with advanced ICT (information and communications technology), applications for spatial data, and open data policy. Plenty of networking opportunities are being built into the conference program so that attendees can spend time talking to each other to learn, share, and strengthen professional ties. Opportunities to present or attend Workshops are available on 28 November.
The GSDI World Conference has built a reputation for excellence in content as it relocates across the globe to offer geospatial specialists in all parts of the world opportunities to better exchange ideas and learn from global peers in building SDI. GSDI 15 is being jointly hosted by GSDI and its Taiwan-based members, the Taiwan Association of Disaster Prevention Industry (TADPI) and the Taiwan Geographic Information System Center (TGIC), with strong support from Ministry of the Interior (MOI), Government of Taiwan.
The theme of the conference is “Spatial Enablement in the Smart Homeland,” which currently has been organized into five conference Tracks:
Track 1 = SDI for the Smart Homeland & Disaster Management, Reduction and Mitigation
Track 2 = SDI Governance and Policy Developments & Geo Data for Decision Making
Track 3 = Earth Observation and Sensors & Geo Technology and Innovation for SDI
Track 4 = Geo Education and Cartography & Regional and Global SDI Initiatives
Track 5 = Land Information and Management Systems
See Call for papers: http://m1e.net/c?73682120-mdgaCNaGfYnA6%40386926920-YJFjS0XveRpNk for submission details and access to the abstract/paper submission system.
Please note that the deadline for submission of Extended Abstracts is 1 April 2016. The website will be regularly updated with the latest conference information including, but not limited to, abstract submission and registration deadlines, program updates, workshop and sponsorship opportunities, social functions, and awards.
We look forward to seeing you at the Conference!
The GSDI 15 Conference Organising Team
E-mail contact: gsdi-15-info@gsdi.org