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January 5th, 2012
GeoEye Wins Multi-year, Multi-million Dollar Russian Contract

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GeoEye, Inc., a leading source of geospatial information and insight, announced that it is working with its Russian partner, ScanEx Research and Development Center, to provide millions of square kilometers of high-resolution satellite imagery to the Russian Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr).
Russia, the world’s largest country, covers more than one-ninth of the Earth’s land mass and spans nine time zones. To efficiently administer the property rights and data across this vast landscape and make this information accessible, Rosreestr is creating a countrywide base map of land properties in the Russian Federation. The base map will have multiple data layers including orthorectified high-resolution imagery, cadastral information (for example, type of ownership, permits, licenses, rights, restrictions, transactions and taxation) and extensive topographic features (natural features representing boundaries). The Russian government will host the completed base map on their portal for viewing by federal and regional government agencies and the public via Web services.
Olga Gershenzon, founder and vice president of ScanEx, said, “We are pleased our government chose us to help manage this huge project and showcase high-resolution imagery on their Internet portal. Currently, there are more than 49 million land parcels in the system and, on average, 12,000 users access the system each day. It’s important we (ScanEx) complete this project on deadline and keep the public cadastre map data current. The country needs the best data available. That’s why, to execute this project, we are acquiring significant amounts of GeoEye-1 imagery as the most detailed and accurate imagery existing on the commercial market.”
The first phase of the contract includes a significant delivery of GeoEye-1 archive imagery to ScanEx. In the second phase, in 2012, GeoEye will collect new imagery of Russia from its GeoEye-1 satellite.
Chris Tully, GeoEye’s senior vice president of Sales, said, “GeoEye and ScanEx are working together to give Russia easy access to our timely geospatial information and help their government maintain consistent data layers for land parcels, infrastructure, borders and districts. This project is yet another example of a groundbreaking product designed to advance the Russian Earth-observation market, and we are honored to be a part of it.”
About GeoEye
GeoEye is a leading source of geospatial information and insight for decision makers and analysts, who need a clear understanding of our changing world to protect lives, manage risk and optimize resources. Each day, organizations in defense and intelligence, public safety, critical infrastructure, energy and online media rely on GeoEye’s imagery, tools and expertise to support important missions around the globe. Widely recognized as a pioneer in high-resolution satellite imagery, GeoEye has evolved into a complete provider of geospatial intelligence solutions. GeoEye’s ability to collect, process and analyze massive amounts of geospatial data allows our customers to quickly see precise changes on the ground and anticipate where events may occur in the future. GeoEye is a public company listed on NASDAQ as GEOY and is headquartered in Herndon, Virginia with more than 700 employees worldwide. Learn more at
About ScanEx
ScanEx Research and Development Center is the leading Russian company in the remote sensing market that offers services ranging from acquisition to thematic processing of Earth-observation images from space. ScanEx’s offerings include designing and manufacturing of hardware and software systems for spatial data reception and processing, development of software applications for satellite data reception and storage, processing and interpretation. ScanEx catalogues imagery data from leading remote sensing programs and generates thematic products, renderings and Web-mapping services.

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