Sensors and Systems
Breaking News

November 14th, 2011
Genovo Developers of Telecare Solutions and Mobile GPS Alarms Win

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Geonovo Limited have won first prize at a “Dragon’s Den” type competition held by the UKT&I on 31st October 2011 at Centerpoint in London. The prize; a stand place on the UK Trade & Investment exhibition area at the renowned Mobile World Congress Expo in Barcelona 2012. The format was for twelve contestants to deliver a three minute pitch followed by a grilling by a panel of industry experts handpicked by the UKT&I. Peter Lusty, CEO of Geonovo gave a polished performance and won over the judges with flying colours, beating some stiff competition. Regarding the event Peter said, “you never know what to expect from competitions such as this, but I believed we had a good chance to win because we are that rare thing – a British company designing and developing products for export from the UK.  Read More

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