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March 21st, 2016
EARSC is Now a GEO Participating Organization

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The European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) is pleased to have been accepted as Participating Organization for joining the Group on Earth Observations (GEO).

“This is a critical step forward in GEO’s efforts to collaborate with the  private sector in a mutually beneficial way. EARSC has invested time and energy in ensuring good communication of issues related to Earth observation products and services with the GEO community and it is  most fitting that EARSC should be a major  partner in this important development” – Robert Samors, Senior External Relations Manager at the  GEO Secretariat.
EARSC is a partner of EU framework programs such ConnectinGEO and  GEOCradle which support the activities of GEO. In the capacity of a Participating Organization to GEO, this is  the next step for EARSC to support the GEO objectives to engage more with the private sector.
As a GEO Participating Organization, EARSC will share opinions on industry  views at the European level, exchange documents of common interest and cooperate on projects or promotional activities where relevant. Work is underway to identify concrete GEO/EARSC collaborations and opportunities for periodic exchanges will be organized.


GEO is a voluntary partnership of governments and organizations that envisions “a future wherein decisions and actions for the benefit of humankind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information. GEO is comprised of 100 Member states, including the European Commission, and 95 Participating Organizations. GEO strives to improve the world’s observation systems  and provide policy makers and scientists with accurate and useful data that can be used
to make informed decisions. GEO’s primary focus is to develop a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to enhance the ability of end-users to discover and access Earth observation data and convert it to useable and useful  information.

EARSC represents the Earth Observation geo-information services companies in Europe. Today EARSC has 75 members coming from more than 22 countries in Europe.
Our members include both commercial operators of EO satellites, IT, downstream and value-adding companies. The sector plays a key role in providing value-added geospatial information to its customers in Europe and the world. In 2014, the revenue of the European EO services sector is estimated to be around €900m for approximatively 450 companies and giving work to over 6500 highly skilled employees.

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