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Breaking News

September 24th, 2011
CityCAD 2.2 Released with New Data Import Engine

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Holistic City Software has released CityCAD 2.2 with a new data import engine and improved 2d drawings, as well as several new features and further improvements in stability and performance. The new data import feature is a key step in our longer term programme to extend interoperability with other software tools. You can now import a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet, and automatically create custom parameters for elements in your model from the data. You can update existing parameters or create new ones as part of the import process. The data import feature can also directly edit a number of CityCAD properties – for example if you have a spreadsheet with block names and number of storeys, this can be used to set the heights of the buildings in your CityCAD model. Densities, unit sizes, energy use and other parameters can also be updated automatically. Read More

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