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Arctic Weather Satellite Introduces a New Channel 
Launched just seven months ago, ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite has been...
Vexcel Imaging announces the newest UltraCam Osprey 4.2 – Even Greater Efficiency, Flexibility, and Image Quality
Graz, Austria • March 31, 2025 – Vexcel Imaging...
Tech Mahindra launches Altavec™, next-generation spatial technology platform for global geospatial transformation
Pune: Tech Mahindra (NSE: TECHM), a leading global provider of...

Top Stories

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

Topcon TopPAD 7.0.1 software

A new Mobile GIS field software program — TopPAD 7.0.1 – from Topcon Positioning Systems (TPS) allows users to take GIS layers into the field for verification and update. When installed on Topcon’s hand-held GMS-2 or a Topcon field controller, TopPAD can collect and update position and attribute information using customized forms.

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

Learn to Use the New Cadastral Editor Tools in ESRI’s ArcGIS Survey Analyst 9.2

Surveyors and cadastral land record managers will start learning to work with the new Cadastral Editor technology in ArcGIS Survey Analyst 9.2 during a complimentary Web seminar in September. Introduction to the Cadastral Editor in ArcGIS Survey Analyst 9.2 will air on ESRI’s Training and Education Web site at on September 13, 2007, at

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

The OGC Announces Styled Layer Descriptor & Symbol Encoding Specifications

FORBES – The members of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have approved the OpenGIS(R) Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) Implementation Specification (a profile of the Web Map Service) and the related OpenGIS Symbology Encoding Implementation Specification. The OpenGIS(R) Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) profile of the Web Map Service Implementation Specification defines an encoding that extends

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

Seoul Metropolitan Government to Exterminate Mosquitoes with GIS

MAEIL BUSINESS – Seoul Metropolitan Government is poised to introduce anti-mosquito system to exterminate mosquitoes in the city. An official from Seoul Government said on August 28, We plan to establish the DB system on major mosquito habitats that can be expressed upon the geographical information system (GIS) in order to remove mosquitoes from the city.

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

Intergraph Extends India Team

HINDU BUSINESS LINE – Engineering and geospatial software development company Intergraph Consulting, a wholly owned subsidiary of Intergraph Corp, has expanded its team of software developers, certification teams and product support personnel in India. Full story

Monday, August 27th, 2007

Guidelines for LIFE+ Programme Call for Proposals

EOPORTAL – The European Commission has published draft application guidelines for the 2007 call for proposals under the LIFE+ programme. LIFE+, the new Financial Instrument for the Environment, entered into force in June 2007. It comprises three components: “LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity”, “LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance” and “LIFE+ Information & Communication”. GMES is explicitly

Thursday, August 16th, 2007

eSpatial and Geomatic Technologies Deliver in Australia

PRESS RELEASE — eSpatial, a global enterprise geospatial software and technology company in partnership with Geomatic Technologies (GT), one of Australia’s leading providers of location-based business intelligence solutions, information products and services, today announced the deployment of an advanced web editing pilot for the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) in Victoria, Australia. The TOE

Sunday, August 12th, 2007

Roswell Receives OGC Lifetime Award

At the July meeting of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) in Paris, France, Charles Roswell received an OGC Lifetime Achievement Award, the first ever granted by the OGC. Charles Roswell has been an active participant in the OGC from the Consortium’s beginning. Through his decades of experience in geospatial standards in the National Geospatial-Intelligence

Sunday, August 12th, 2007

Wallingford Software to Launch InfoWorks 2D

Wallingford Software, the leading developer of hydraulic modeling software for the water industry, has announced the forthcoming release of InfoWorks 2D for fast, accurate and detailed surface flood modeling. InfoWorks 2D will be available as a fully-integrated module within InfoWorks CS for collection system modeling, InfoWorks SD for storm drainage modeling, and with InfoWorks RS

Sunday, August 12th, 2007

AAMHatch Wins 2007 BE Award

With the Help of MicroStation VBA Macros and GEOPAK, AAMHatch Generated in Minutes What Would Have Taken 400 Hours Using Manual Plotting AAMHatch, a leading dedicated spatial information provider, has won a 2007 BE Award in the “Geospatial 3D GIS” category for its development of a true orthophoto and 3D model of the City of

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