Tuesday, November 17th, 2009
Space Imaging Middle East (SIME), along with European Space Imaging (EUSI) and DigitalGlobe, Inc., are pleased to announce the preview of the WorldView Global Alliance at the Dubai Airshow, November 15-19. Read More
Monday, November 16th, 2009
R.A. Smith National (formerly R.A. Smith & Associates and its National Survey & Engineering Division) — civil engineering, planning, surveying, landscape architecture, geographic information systems (GIS) and 3D visualization consultants — Brookfield, Wis., is accepting registrations for the following upcoming ESRIÒ-authorized GIS courses.
Friday, November 13th, 2009
Greenbuild International Conference and Expo – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for the infrastructure that sustains our world, today announced that it has added Green Building XML (gbXML) 0.37 schema support to its Hevacomp products for building energy design, analysis, and simulation. The Hevacomp software joins a growing
Thursday, November 12th, 2009
MTR Wireless Communications, the developer of Smart Grid AMR/AMI/Control solutions to both public and private Water, Electricity and Gas utility distribution grids, today announced that they will show case their Smart Grid technology at WATEC 2009, 17/19 Nov 2009, Tel Aviv Exhibition Center. Hall 11b Booth 23. MTR Smart Grid™ solution combines two-way wireless technology,
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009
Freight transport exposes many people to exhaust gas emissions and noise and contributes significantly to climate change. UBA’s “Strategy for Sustainable Freight Transport” shows that this can be changed. The report describes the past, present and future development of freight transport, identifies conflicts with environmental protection requirements and presents measures to reduce its environmental impacts.
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009
The Nature-SDIplus is a Best Practice Network development project co-funded by the European Commission under the eContentplus Programme. It is aimed at harmonizing EU national datasets on nature conservation, stimulating the community of stakeholders; sharing best practices, improving the exploitation and access to the datasets. In such a view, NATURE-SDIplus aims to support the implementation
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009
Eng. Hussain Nasser Lootah, Director General of Dubai Municipality said the Municipality is one of the leading departments in the government of Dubai which has always sought to achieve the best results and highest levels in all areas as it pursues a policy of well planned steps and works as a team to reach the
Sunday, November 1st, 2009
1Spatial is delighted to announce that they have recently signed a landmark agreement that will establish a dedicated 1Spatial office in Australia and provide local access to highly sought after technical expertise in 1Spatial products. PSMA Australia is a government owned public company, tasked with developing national spatial datasets. Since 2001, PSMA Australia has been
Saturday, October 31st, 2009
Keep updated on the 3D industrys current trends and future prospects for urban planning, landscape conservation and territory management over the course of 2 days of specially themed 3D City and Territory Modelling conferences between 4th and 5th February 2010. Visit the Exhibition Hall to discover new 3D tools and the latest technological innovations.
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
Soil Action is establishing an action plan for the development of measures/programmes/initiatives to raise awareness of the importance of soil across European society (i.e. policy makers, general public, universities, schools, industry, etc.). Please have a look in the Educatunal Material (Examples) listed in the page: http://eusoils.jrc.ec.europa.eu/Awareness/Inventory.cfm (it is nto yet published officially).