Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
As part of our December-January training schedule we have included introductory and intermediate desktop GIS training courses, but also a new INSPIRE/ SDI network services training seminar that deals with discovery, download and transformation services. For more see the Network Services Seminar webpage, and the training schedule.
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Farm Market iD, a leading provider of farm-level U.S. agricultural data, announced today it has made available for commercial use previously unavailable information on more than 26,000 agricultural producers in Florida derived from local ownership records, and enhanced by GIS (geospatial information system) data and satellite imagery. Crops included in the data represent 1.7 million planted acres,
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
The OGC GovFuture membership category includes Local Government and Subnational Government membership levels. It offers public sector organizations an opportunity to learn about and benefit from new developments in geospatial technology, and to understand and address legal and policy issues related to these technology developments. GovFuture provides an opportunity for government organizations across the globe
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Has anyone had experience with getting a C3D corridor into GNSS Machine Control? I am specifically interested in the corridor conversion, NOT the TIN. I have successfully made and converted TIN files into Trimble and Topcon machine control formats for several years, but getting a truly intellegent corridor into a machine is a more difficult
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
European Space Imaging, a leading provider of very high-resolution satellite imagery,and Indra Espacio, a leading company in the Spanish space sector today announced that the two companies successfully completed a multi-year supply project to the Spanish Ministry of Defense. The supply project, with Indra Espacio as main contractor, started in September 2008 and involved the provision
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Infotech Enterprises Limited (IEL), a leading Global Engineering Services Company with headquarters in Hyderabad, India, announced that its existing UTG business is being re-branded as the “Network and Content Engineering” Division within Infotech – “N&CE” for short. Infotech started its GIS service offerings way back in 1992, with the ability to handle large and complex geospatial databases,
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Continuously innovating and improving our map data is a top priority and a massive undertaking at Bing. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new initiative to work with the OpenStreetMap project, a community of more than 320,000 people who have built high quality maps for every country on earth. Microsoft is providing access to
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Clark Labs will be unveiling new tools for REDD+ at the Forest Day 4 event in Cancun that will enable users to measure carbon emissions with the BioCarbon Fund methodology as well as model the impacts of alternative economic policies with a new interface to the OSIRIS modeling tool. These new features will be publicly
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Mauell Corporation, a leader in the design and implementation of purpose-built utility control room environments, today announced a strategic partnership with Space-Time Insight. Integrating the spatio-analytics software product of Space-Time Insight with its field-proven control theater technologies, Mauell will be able to deliver a more situational aware operation. Read More
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Take the world’s largest country: Russia. It would be taken over by its Asian neighbour and rival China, the country with the world’s largest population. Overcrowded China would not just occupy underpopulated Siberia – a long-time Russian fear – but also fan out all the way across the Urals to Russia’s westernmost borders. Ch ina