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Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Satellites Show Potential for Avalanche Mapping

In Norway, avalanches pose a risk to road users every year. Since much of the country is remote, knowing exactly where avalanches have blocked roads is a challenge for the authorities. However, ESA has recently shown that satellites could help. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) is responsible for the national road network. In the winter,

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Exprodat’s Data Directory Nurtures New ArcGIS Desktop 10 Users

Exprodat’s Team-GIS Directory was released today for the ArcGIS 10 platform, enhancing usability for ArcGIS Desktop users.  Team-GIS Directory can make ArcMap much easier for novice users to operate, increasing the rate of user adoption during ArcGIS Desktop implementation projects. Team-GIS Directory is an ArcMap extension combining an easy-to-use data catalogue with powerful search, preview and

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

California Department of Transportation Selects Autodesk for Road and Highway Design Projects

Autodesk, Inc. today announced that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), one of the largest Departments of Transportation in the United States, has selected AutoCAD Civil 3D for road and highway design projects statewide. The contract is over a five year period and includes access to Autodesk’s AutoCAD Civil 3D software, training and services. Civil

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

College Students Study The Earth From NASA’s Flying Laboratory

Twenty-nine undergraduate and graduate students are participating in a six-week NASA Airborne Science Program field experience designed to immerse them in the agency’s Earth Science research. The students represent 28 colleges and universities from across the United States. NASA’s Student Airborne Research Program provides a unique opportunity for undergraduates and early graduate students majoring in

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Model Project “Environmental Justice in the Land of Berlin”

Environmental justice in the state of Berlin – Develop and implement a new cross-departmental strategy. Data bases of the Berlin model project: The Berlin Environmental Atlas and the Social Monitoring Urban Development.Socio-spatial distribution of noise pollution, air pollution, bio-climatic assessment of open space supply and residential areas in Berlin. Environmental justice in the state of Berlin: a

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

South African Railway Operator Largest Signaling Contract with Siemens

The South African railway company, PRASA (Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa), has commissioned Siemens with the delivery of signaling equipment and the construction of the “Gauteng Nerve Center” (GNC) operations control center. It is the largest contract for signaling equipment ever awarded in South Africa. The contract is worth approximately 90 million euros. It

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Gridpoint Energy Manager – Visibility, Analysis and Control

GridPoint, Inc., an established leader in smart energy solutions, today announced the release of GridPoint Energy Manager, a unified platform delivering the future of enterprise and utility energy management today. The software-based solution complements existing hardware and service offerings to manage the deployment and operation of energy endpoints, such as building management systems, solar arrays,

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

National League of Cities Tour – Sustainable Infrastructure for Competitiveness

The National League of Cities (NLC) announces “Building Cities, Building Futures,” a national tour centering on sustainable infrastructure as a catalyst for economic growth.  Sponsored by Siemens, the tour will bring together local business, community and governmental leaders to discuss how to effectively plan and prioritize funding and the options available to promote resiliency and

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

ISDE7 Last Chance Early Bird

The end of financial year signals the last opportunity for early bird registrations. The conference is attracting more and more interest, with a jam packed program and an exciting array of international speakers on hand. If you have not viewed the latest program, check out exactly what is on offer here. ISDE7 will provide a unique

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Digital Terrain Model of the Republic of Serbia Published

“Digital Orthophoto Production in the Republic of Serbia” Project, within the CARDS program through European Union donation, had covered, apart from digital orthophoto, production of Digital Terrain Model, which was used for the purpose of images ortho-rectification within the orthophoto production.