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Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Governments and Shell Move Toward Carbon Storage in Canada

The Government of Alberta has taken another step toward realizing its climate change goals by signing a final agreement with Shell Canada Energy for the Shell Quest carbon capture and storage (CCS) project. The project will capture and store more than one million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year from the Scotford Upgrader and its

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

SuperGeo Officially Release SuperGIS Server 3 Value Edition Worldwide

SuperGeo Technologies is pleased to officially release SuperGIS Server 3 Value Edition, its latest server-based software, to global market. Designed for creating, managing and distributing diverse GIS resources over the Internet to support desktop, mobile and web applications, SuperGIS Server 3 Value Edition assists enterprises in developing, managing, integrating, and publishing multiple GIS services in

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Extensive Slick is Detected in the Black Sea

While performing satellite imagery of the Black Sea water areas on June 24 the specialists of ScanEx Center detected an extensive slick on the sea surface of ship origin. As of the moment of detecting the slick, in an intricate elongated form, outstretched 119 km within the Russian sector of the Black Sea 155 km

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

NAVTEQ Extends Its Enterprise Offering in Europe

NAVTEQ is now offering Postal Code Boundaries in Europe. The polygons in this new product are geo-referenced to the industry leading NAVTEQ map, which allows highly effective territorial comparison and analysis in a broad range of enterprise and GIS applications.  Read More

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

FME Data Challenge to Kick-off at the Esri User Conference

Safe Software announced today that they will kick off the FME Data Access Challenge at the Esri International User Conference in San Diego, CA from July 11 – 15, 2011. Participants in this initiative will find out how they can solve their toughest data transformation headaches with FME, the leading technology for spatial data transformation.

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Bluesky Launches SolAR Service

Bluesky has launched a new on demand service to complement its existing solar mapping product. The service provides detailed solar panel suitability assessment reports for individual properties and developments. Suitable for commercial, industrial, public sector and even large domestic properties the Bluesky SolAR (Solar Assessment Report) service provides an interactive 3D model of the property

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Iron Ore Mine Safety Assured with 3D Laser Mapping

A state of the art laser scanning system supplied by 3D Laser Mapping has been used to improve safety of iron ore extraction in South Africa. The Riegl laser scanner forms an integral part of a Waste Spreader Positioning System (WSPS) developed by Stone Three Venture Technology in partnership with Reutech Mining. The WSPS is

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Bluesky Release Stunning Photomap of Glastonbury Festival

Bluesky and Blom UK have worked together to release a stunning ultra high-resolution aerial photomap of the 2011 Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts. Captured on the afternoon of Sunday, 26th June by Blom UK the 6cm resolution imagery shows the entire site as 150,000 festival goers basked in the summer sun on one of

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Draft Guidelines for the INSPIRE Data Specification on SOIL

The Thematic Working Group (TWG) Soil was responsible for developing the data specification on soil. The TWG was composed of 13 experts coming from Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Joint Research Centre Ispra, The Netherlands, Norway and Spain. The INSPIRE Directive (Directive 2007/2/EC) defines Soil as follows: “Soil and subsoil characterised according to depth, texture, structure and content

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

gvSIG 1.11 Portable is Now Available

A gvSIG 1.11 portable version has been released at the community repository. The objective of this distribution is, to allow the user running the gvSIG 1.11 version from a USB disk, and distribute it easily in other computers, without the necessity of any software installation. This distribution runs on Windows and Linux, and it has been developed