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Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Point Cloud and Open Source Debate

A major step forwards or will it damage the industry; should we be supporting Open Source as a way forward for LIDAR technologies?  It could open doors to many – or will it result in the closure of a number of industry players and be too high a price to pay?  Or consider Point Cloud

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Virtalis ships GeoVisionary Version 1.1

VIRTALIS has just shipped Version 1.1 of GeoVisionary. Sales of the pioneering 3D geosciences visualiser have sky rocketed over the last year, with leading geological institutions, mining companies and nuclear scientists world-wide all deploying GeoVisionary to view their data.

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

SuperGIS Desktop 3 Selected by Aurecon in South Africa

SuperGeo announced that the branch company of Aurecon Company in South Africa has purchased SuperGIS Desktop 3 for their GIS/Data Management Department, which is planning to cooperate with SuperGeo’s South Africa distributor, Spatial Perspective for the purpose of marketing SuperGIS Software jointly in the future.

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Herefordshire Takes Getmapping Data

Herefordshire Council has purchased a package of geo-spatial data from Getmapping. The package includes the latest 12.5cm resolution imagery of the whole county (2,400 sq km) plus 10cm resolution and oblique imagery for Hereford itself. This is complemented by Getmapping’s Digital Surface (DSM) and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) of the county, derived from the same

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Satellite Imagery Technology to Build Up National Defense Capacity

Modern technologies, problems and perspectives of using space imagery for national defense and security will be discussed during the 5th International Conference “Earth from Space – the Most Effective Solutions”. On the second conference day – November 30 – a thematic section “Application of satellite data for building up national defense capacity”. The section sponsor

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

INTERGEO 2011: Emerging Technologies the Driving Force Behind New Approaches and Applications

After the three-day INTERGEO event in Nuremberg, one thing was clear: “INTERGEO is a platform for dialogue between technology users from a variety of sectors – dialogue that gives rise to new approaches and applications. The resultant scope of possible new uses is considerable,” stated Olaf Freier, Managing Director of HINTE GmbH and INTERGEO organiser.

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Have Floods Changed with Increasing CO2 Levels?

Only one of four large regions of the United States showed a significant relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and the size of floods over the last 100 years. This was in the southwestern region, where floods have become smaller as CO2 has increased.

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

U.S. Rivers and Streams Super-Saturated With Carbon Dioxide

Rivers and streams in the United States are releasing substantially more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than previously thought. These findings could change the way scientists model the movement of carbon between land, water, and the atmosphere. The findings were recently published in a Nature Geoscience article entitled “Significant efflux of carbon dioxide from streams

Monday, October 24th, 2011

RAMTeCH Attains SPATIALinfo’s Gold Certified Partner Status

SPATIALinfo recently signed RAMTeCH as a gold level certified engineering partner. Certified partners are elite engineering firms that purchase spatialNET licenses and undergo specialty training and testing to effectively map, model, and manage today’s communications networks. RAMTeCH is certified in fiber, RF, and route engineering to enhance their already well-rounded skills portfolio and maintain their

Monday, October 24th, 2011

Building Better Environmental Policy by Looking Into the Future

As we prepare for a future yet unwritten, a cascade of uncertainty presents itself – the future structure of our society and economies is uncertain; the environmental changes that may result are uncertain; and how we might react or adapt to such environmental changes is also uncertain. Against the backdrop of these and many other