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Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

DepictionPrep Now Available

From wildfires to floods, hurricanes to tornadoes—and even earthquakes and tsunamis—the events of 2011 have served as stark reminders that disasters can strike anywhere. A new software tool is now available to help individuals, families and neighborhoods prepare for these risks more effectively. DepictionPrep preparedness mapping software is a powerful, engaging and even fun new way

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

GeoEye Announces Michael P.C. Carns (USAF Ret.) as New Board Member

GeoEye, Inc., a leading source of geospatial information and insight, announced today that it has appointed General Michael P. C. Carns (retired USAF) to serve on its board of directors. He joins nine other board members. General Carns has been appointed as the board representative of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. GeoEye partnered with Cerberus, which

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

COM.Geo 2012 Call For Submissions

The COM.Geo 2011 and 2010 conferences made great successes. There were 14 keynote speakers from governments, universities, and leading industries and 200+ speakers around the world at the COM.Geo 2011 and 2010.

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Socium – Let the Revolution Begin

At Socium we believe in revolutionising our industry so that the value and benefits of spatial data are opened up and made available to everyone. We also believe in providing innovative products to make this a reality regardless of your technical knowledge or budget. We know that having confidence in your data is vital so that

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Italy Municipality of Recanati Selected SuperGIS Desktop 3 for Land Planning

SuperGeo Technologies announced that Municipality of Recanati in Italy purchased SuperGIS Desktop 3 to assist in the service planning and development of land and buildings. The procurement is contributed by Helix S.r.l., the exclusive distributor of SuperGeo in Italy.

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Taipei City Department of Transportation Adopts SuperWebGIS to Provide Real-time Traffic Information

SuperWebGIS is the map server software being able to publish dynamic maps and GIS data to the Internet. SuperWebGIS provides the scalable framework, highly supports geodatabases, and offers complete GIS objects and various website templates. Therefore, SuperWebGIS can meet the demands of publishing and displaying the spatial data to efficiently achieve the goal of data

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Water Way to Cover Costs in Poland

There were reports in the press this week that Polish citizens could see the price of water rocket sky high over the coming four years. According to an article in TVN24’s business section, if tens of billions of zlotys are not spent on upgrading the country’s sewage system and sewage treatment plants, then Poland may find

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

IGN France GeoPortail Offers Student Competition

Are you a student? You have a project website or online application? Boost it by adding maps and aerial photos of the IGN, and win prizes! Read More

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

CSR Reaches Beyond GPS to Improve Navigation

During a meeting in CNET’s offices, Kanwar Chadha, CMO of CSR Technology, noted that all content is becoming location-aware. Smartphone apps and navigation devices can tailor information to a user’s personal surroundings. Taking advantage of that trend, Chadha’s company, which provides GPS chips for navigation devices, has developed a new generation of products that can

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Call – GEO-Siberia 2012

The Siberian State Academy of Geodesy and the International Exhibition Operator “InterGeoSiberia”, and World Trade Center-Novosibirsk would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the 8th International specialized exhibition and scientific congress “Interexpo GeoSiberia-2012” which will be held on April 17-19, 2012 in the centre of Novosibirsk at the Business Center