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Friday, November 11th, 2011

Serbia – Updated Digital Cadastral Plan Data and New Metadata on Geoportal

The area covered with digital cadastral plan has been extended in order to increase volume of data which are available to users for view on Geoportal. More precisely, real estate cadastre graphical data on cadastral parcels, objects and names have been published for the areas where the digital cadastral plans are put into official use.

Friday, November 11th, 2011

GE Software Powers Research on Efficient Wind Energy Production

GE today announced that it is working with Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to investigate ways to improve wind farm productivity and efficiency. The results of the study will directly contribute to future product and service designs. The project is part of a larger Department of Energy (DOE) investment of $9 million to an IIT-led

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Climate Change for Forest Policy-Makers

The critical role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation is now widely recognized. Actions to support this role are taken on different levels from international to local. However, in many countries climate change issues have not been fully addressed in national forest policies, nor have the forestry mitigation and adaptation needs been thoroughly

Friday, November 11th, 2011

ScanEx RDC Won the Contest of Rosreestr

According to the protocol published on website ScanEx RDC is recognized as the winner of the Rosreestr (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography) contest named “Creation of base maps for state real-estate cadastre and recalculation of land plots borders contained in state real-estate cadastre, land plot portions, buildings, facilities, unfinished construction sites

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Sharper DMCii Satellite Images Guide Farmers Worldwide

In the two years since DMCii added 22m multispectral imagery to its geospatial data portfolio, the detailed satellite views of the Earth’s surface have proved highly-valued tools for farmers facing increasing pressures – not least of which is rising fertiliser costs. Acquired from the latest generation of DMC imaging satellites – UK-DMC2 and Deimos-1 – this

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Bluesky 3D Model Aids Urban Regeneration in NE England

A 3D model from aerial surveying specialist Bluesky is helping developers, architects and planning professionals assess the impact of urban building projects in the North East England. Supplied to Virtual Newcastle Gateshead the Bluesky data forms an extension to an existing city model and will help improve decision making and realise time and cost savings

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Ciralight Global Surpasses 100 Dealers Globally

Ciralight Global Inc., clean technology manufacturer of its patented solar powered Ciralight SunTracker Daylighting Systems, extends its worldwide reach through its growing international Distributor and Dealer Network, which now encompasses the United States, Canada, Europe, parts of the Middle East, the Caribbean, Central and South America and significant areas of Asia.

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

An Experimental Framework for Ecosystem Capital Accounting in Europe

Ecosystems such as forests, wetlands and rivers as well as pastures or cropland supply basic goods and services. These include food, fibre, energy, clean water, temperature control and flood regulation, which are critical for people’s wellbeing. However, the value of ecosystems is only accounted for in the economy when they provide monetary profits.  Other ecosystem

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

GI_Forum 2012 – Symposium and Exhibit

First Call for Papers – The interdisciplinary GI_Forum focuses on an international audience, communicating in English, and sharing an interest in translating theory, methods and techniques into a broad range of GI application domains. Young researchers are especially invited to contribute and discuss their research; together with established scientists they will find a vibrant community from

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Supporting Contingency Planning with Ordnance Survey Mapping

Mapping data from Ordnance Survey is relied on across the country – from in car satellite navigation systems and mobile phone apps to planning applications and fraud analysis. However, one area which affects us all is how the emergency services and our energy and infrastructure providers rely on accurate geographic information (GI) to protect the