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Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Marlink Upgrades Global Maritime VSAT Service With iDirect

VT iDirect, Inc. announced that Marlink, one of the largest maritime VSAT network operators, has upgraded its global service with the integration of iDirect’s Evolution X5 Satellite Router and latest operating software release, iDX 3.0. Vessels operating Marlink’s WaveCall(TM) services have all received the required onboard equipment, enabling Marlink to increase reliability and bandwidth efficiency

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Cadastre: Vision for the Future – The Impact of New Dimensions

The environment in which the professions of cadastre evolve has undergone profound changes. Technological innovation in the digital field has been considerable. Furthermore, social change has also been radically altered with, for instance, the emergence of social networks as a means of transforming our relations. Aside from the present crises, there have also been great

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Demystify the Cloud at the Esri UC

Join leading GIS professionals at the geospatial industry’s most significant annual event. The Esri International User Conference (Esri UC) is where you’ll develop the skills you need to help your organization take full advantage of the power of the cloud. Receive expert insights and hands-on training that will help you discover the next frontier of

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Customize Area Analysis Applications with the Community Analyst API

Esri has released an API for Community Analyst, allowing greater flexibility for developers who need to create customized applications that assess the population characteristics of an area. Esri Community Analyst is a Software as a Service (SaaS) mapping solution that provides GIS capabilities in a simple and easy-to-use framework through a web application, as an

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Deadlines Approaching for URISA Abstract Submissions

Submit abstracts for 2012 URISA conferences and share your ideas, research and success stories with your peers. URISA invites abstract submissions from the GIS community for three conferences:

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

ASPRS Approves Resolution on U.S. Imaging Program

By a unanimous vote of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Board of Directors, the Society has issued a third resolution calling for immediate support and funding for the continuation of the Nation’s moderate resolution imaging program. Due to a technical failure in the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) instrument on-board the

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

ASPRS Announces Russell G. Congalton as 2012 SAIC Estes Memorial Teaching Award Winner

Russell G. Congalton, a Professor of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems at the University of New Hampshire, has been named as the recipient of the 2012 SAIC Estes Memorial Teaching Award. The SAIC Estes Memorial Teaching Award was inaugurated in 2003 and is named in honor of Professor John E. (“Jack”) Estes, teacher, mentor,

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Moscow Rallies From Space

On Saturday February 4 at 12:37 Moscow time GeoEye-1 satellite took images of the Moscow city. Image were processed by the GeoEye’s distributor – ScanEx Research & Development Center – by the request of RIA Novosti. February 4 witnessed several rallies – the most massive were organized by the anti-Putin marchers through Yakimanka Street, which

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

SuperGIS Desktop 3 Helps Osimo City Hall in Italy Establish GIS Platform

SuperGeo Technologies announced that Osimo City Hall in Italy selected SuperGIS Desktop 3 to build up its professional GIS platform, which assists the staff of the departments in effectively editing, analyzing, querying, and managing spatial data, and eventually facilitating the data usability and integration. Located in the province of Ancona, Italy, Osimo is a town of

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

SuperSurv 3.0, Mobile Survey System, Released Globally

SuperSurv 3.0, released by SuperGeo Technologies, support bilingual user interface, traditional Chinese and English, and global coordinate system. SuperSurv is the mobile survey system operated on Android mobile device.  SuperSurv 3.0 focuses on the convenience of data collection in field survey and supports to display base map in SGT format and Web map services. Users can