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Top Stories

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Satellites Detect Abundance of Fresh Water in the Arctic

ESA satellites show that a large dome of fresh water has been building up in the Arctic Ocean over the last 15 years. A change in wind direction could cause the water to spill into the north Atlantic, cooling Europe.

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Remote Sensing to Provide Assessment of the Status of Lakes – Finland

Lake monitoring is currently mainly based on on-site sampling and laboratory analysis of samples. In lake-rich regions, however, only a small proportion of lakes can be monitored using conventional methods. Kari Kallio, Senior Researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), has investigated how the remote sensing of lakes from satellites or aircraft can improve the

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

PCI Geomatics Releases Geomatica 2012 (32-bit version)

PCI Geomatics announced the release of a 32-bit version of its Geomatica 2012 software – the latest version of the company’s complete and integrated desktop image processing software featuring tools for remote sensing, digital photogrammetry, geospatial analysis, map production, mosaicking and more. “Today’s geospatial professionals need tools that allow them to complete their work faster, with

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Bombardier Partnership Project Outlines Green Train of the Future

New generation trains running on existing track can easily combine higher speeds, lower energy consumption, reduced noise and lower costs. These are the findings reported by Swedish researchers in Stockholm today after concluding a four-year project, with Bombardier Transportation as one of three major partners. Read More

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Africa Energy Indaba Extended

The Africa Energy Indaba is pleased to announce that the annual 2 day conference has been extended to 3 days with the inclusion of a premier energy roundtable discussion forum on the 23rd February. Paul Runge – Managing Director of specialised consulting firm Africa Project Access will be heading the energy roundtable discussion – opening up

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

ONYOURMAP & BLOM Announce Partnership – High Performance Mapping

OnYourMap and Blom announce their partnership and the release of a common high performance mapping platform, integrating the innovative OnYourMap technology and the renowned high resolution oblique and satellite imagery from Blom. OnYourMap, a leading Location Based (LBS) and mapping service provider, and Blom, the European service provider within acquisition, processing and modeling of geographic information, announced today

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Opening of UK Site Producing the Heart of GALILEO

The first Galileo satellites are already in orbit, with more on the way. Today ESA’s Director General and the UK’s Universities and Science Minister attended the grand opening of the facility where navigation payloads for the next batch of Galileo satellites are being built. UK company Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) in Guildford, Surrey, is assembling

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Abstracts Sought for URISA’s Sixth Caribbean GIS Conference

URISA is pleased to announce its Sixth Caribbean GIS Conference taking place November 12-16, 2012 in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The conference theme is “Spatial Technologies – Critical Thinking for Critical Times”. The Conference Program is developed through a Call for Presentations. Abstract submissions are reviewed and discussed by a group of volunteer committee members representing

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

URISA’s GISCorps Continues to Impact the World

URISA is pleased to announce that 25 GISCorps volunteers have recently been deployed to 9 new missions in 7 countries.

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

EPA Releases New Tool with Information about Water Pollution Across the U.S.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the release of a new tool that provides the public with important information about pollutants that are released into local waterways. Developed under President Obama’s transparency initiative, the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Pollutant Loading Tool brings together millions of records and allows for easy searching and mapping of