Wednesday, September 28th, 2016
At the September meeting of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) Technical Committee in Orlando, Florida, USA, Stan Tillman received the OGC’s prestigious Kenneth D. Gardels Award. The Gardels Award is awarded each year to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to advance OGC’s vision of geospatial information fully integrated into the world’s information systems.
Tuesday, September 27th, 2016
With a PhD in Science from the University of Hong Kong, Dr. Winnie Tang JP has over 20 years’ experience in the industry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and is the Founder and Chairman of Esri China (Hong Kong) Limited, one of the international offices of Esri. Dr Tang will make a Keynote presentation
Monday, September 26th, 2016
USGS-NASA Pecora Award Recognizes Excellence in Earth Observation A longtime innovator in space-based Earth observation at Boston University and a team that has paved the way for the next generation of satellite precipitation observations have both been honored with the 2016 William T. Pecora Award for achievement in Earth remote sensing. Sponsored by the Department
Friday, September 23rd, 2016
ORLANDO, FL – Yesterday, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) awarded one of its highest honors, the Kenneth D. Gardels Award, to Hexagon Geospatial employee Stan Tillman. The Gardels award, a gold medallion, is awarded each year to an individual OGC member who has made outstanding contributions to advance the OGC’s vision of a world in
Friday, September 23rd, 2016
On day one (2nd November) of WWEM 2016, EFASIG, a special interest group within the British Mass Spectrometry Society (Environmental and Food Analysis SIG), will hold a meeting that will be free to attend for those that have pre-registered to visit WWEM 2016 at The keynote presentation with be given by Professor Luigi Mondello
Thursday, September 22nd, 2016
URISA is pleased to invite students to apply to be a volunteer and receive a complimentary registration to GIS-Pro 2016 in return for a few hours of volunteer service. This year’s GIS-Pro will be held in Toronto, ON at the Westin Harbor Castle from October 31- November 3, 2016. Student volunteers are needed to assist
Thursday, September 22nd, 2016
REDLANDS, Calif.- Smart mapping leader Esri announced it is engaging students all over the world in a new contest called the Global Content Challenge. With the power of Esri content at their disposal, students will tell their own compelling scientific stories using the Esri Story Map Journal app. Entrants will use personal geographic analyses, visualizations,
Wednesday, September 21st, 2016
Des Plaines, IL – With one more major event still to take place in Toronto this year ( GIS-Pro 2016: URISA’s 54th Annual Conference, October 31-November 3, 2016), URISA is pleased to announce a number of programs for 2017. The education begins March 6-9, 2017 in Chattanooga, Tennessee for the 21st GIS/CAMA Technologies Conference, presented
Thursday, September 15th, 2016
After the most successful GEO Business show to date, with over 2,200 visitors from a staggering 50 countries, the organisers are delighted to announce that over 70% of the exhibit space for 2017 has already been booked! Show director, Caroline Hobden, commented on the success of the show: “The overwhelming response to the third GEO