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Esri UK joins forces with STEM Learning to train more teachers in GIS
New courses help teachers in the north gain new...
Precisely Launches Geo Addressing and Data Enrichment Innovations on Snowflake Marketplace
BURLINGTON, Mass. — Precisely, the global leader in data...
Ursa Space Systems Expands Partnership with SkyFi to Provide Broader Commodity Insights
ITHACA, N.Y.—  Ursa Space Systems is excited to announce...


Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Mapping the Nation’s Wind Turbines

  Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sectors of renewable energy in the United States.  About 3% of the total electricity in the United States was generated by wind turbines in 2012 (according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration), which is equivalent to the annual electricity use for about 12 million households.  The amount

Monday, October 21st, 2013

Application of Smart Grid Technology Requires Skilled GIS Professionals to Manage an Energy-Efficient Future

Geographic information systems (GIS) play an important role to help the utilities industry manage the smart grid for an energy-smart future. And that means there is a growing need for professionals with a solid foundation in GIS technology to monitor electrical distribution systems, analyze power usage and plan future load growth to meet the changing

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Esri European Wind User Group Finds New Uses for GIS

European wind energy professionals gathered in Dublin, Ireland, recently to discuss innovative ways to meet renewable-energy demands using the Esri ArcGIS platform. Members of the Esri European Wind User Group shared how they apply ArcGIS maps, apps, and tools to offshore and onshore wind-farm development, planning, engineering, construction, operations, and maintenance.

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Caribbean Community Maps Out Renewable Energy Plan

The Worldwatch Institute is assisting the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in developing a Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy (C-SERMS) to provide a more strategic approach to implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in the region. The overall goals are to address the inadequate energy security of most CARICOM member states and to establish them

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

APG Flaring to be Monitored from Space in Russia

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Research and Development Center ScanEx plan to implement the project of satellite-based monitoring of associated petroleum gas (APG) flaring in the Russia.

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Measuring Landscape Disturbance of Gas Exploration in Allegheny and Susquehanna Counties

Landscape change in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny and Susquehanna counties resulting from construction of well pads, new roads and pipelines for natural gas and coalbed methane exploration is being documented to help determine the potential consequences for ecosystems and wildlife, according to a U.S. Geological Survey report released today.

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Web Map Provides Clear Picture of Oil Sands Industry Performance in Alberta

Alberta’s oil sands contain the third-largest crude oil reserve in the world, next to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Managing this valuable resource requires responsible development. To support this, the ministry of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD) created the Oil Sands Information Portal ( The portal uses geographic information system (GIS) technology to make data

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

EPA Unveils Calif. Mapping Tool for Developing Renewable Energy Sources

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, announced an online mapping tool that enables users to find contaminated and degraded properties in California ideal for renewable energy redevelopment. 

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

New GIS Tool for Planning and Managing Shale Oil, Shale Gas and Coal Bed Methane Projects

Exprodat has announced the release of Team-GIS Unconventionals Analyst, an ArcGIS Desktop extension for planning and managing shale oil, shale gas and coal bed methane projects. Using Team-GIS Unconventionals Analyst geologists, petroleum engineers and reserves analysts can ensure compliant reserves and reduce drilling costs. The application runs as an extension to Esri’s ArcGIS Desktop tool. 

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

Wyoming Launches a Detailed Energy Map

The U.S. Geolgoical Survey, along with the Wyoming State Geological Survey, have released a detailed energy map of southwestern Wyoming. The map captures details on coal and wind energy resources, along with the infrastructure to transport the energy. The project was developed as a component of the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI).

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