Sensors and Systems
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NASA Finds Summer 2024 Hottest to Date 
August 2024 set a new monthly temperature record, capping...
Verdantas Integrates Precision Surveying and Mapping Team to Provide Added Geospatial Offering to Local Customers
TAMPA, Fla. — Verdantas, a leading consulting firm providing...
New Geospatial Database Enhances the Management and Decarbonisation of the UK’s Building Stock
Geospatial Insight, the UK’s leading provider of clean energy...

Corporate News

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Nomad 800 Series Rugged PDA

There are several models in the 800 series (see brochure), the 2 most popular being the 800L and the 800LC.  Both have 806 Mhz processor, 1 Gig internal memory, integrated GPS, VGA screen, Bluetooth, 802.11, 14 hour duration battery etc.  The 800LC model also has an integrated camera.     Run Crest, ArcPad or other Windows

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

TOPO! Pro – Map and Manage Your World!

During an emergency situation, whether it is a natural or man made disaster, features of the landscape change at lightening speed, at any time and often in ways that are impossible to predict.  Responding effectively to a disaster requires information about the situation to flow seamlessly and quickly between field operatives & control centres. TOPO!

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

Sparx Systems Supports Geospatial Standards Authority at Southampton Plenary

Sparx Systems, a global vendor of UML modeling tools based on open standards will sponsor the Interoperability Workshop at the next ISO/TC 211 meeting being held from 24-28 May 2010. The global geospatial community increasingly uses Enterprise Architect, the flagship UML modeling platform from Sparx Systems for the development of industry reference models and to

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

Onset Weather Stations to Verify Stormwater Runoff

Monitoring the green roof’s success in reducing runoff is critical to the project, according to Darla Cravotta, the special projects coordinator with Allegheny County. “We can’t talk about the benefits of a green roof without monitoring it,” said Cravotta. “But when we have data, we can encourage other people to build green roofs,” she said.

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

ESA’s SMOS Water Mission Goes Live

ESA’s SMOS satellite completed its six-month commissioning this week and formally began operational life. This milestone means the mission is now set to provide much-needed global images of soil moisture and ocean salinity to improve our understanding of the water cycle. Read More

Friday, May 21st, 2010

ASPRS Announces 2010 Award Winners

The Photogrammetric Award (Fairchild) was awarded to Qassim Abdullah, PhD at the 2010 Annual ASPRS Conference in San Diego in April.  This award, the essence of which is practicability, is designed to stimulate the development of the art of aerial photogrammetry in the United States.  The selection committee makes its choice based on an outstanding

Friday, May 21st, 2010

ArcGIS Server Now Available as Cloud-Based Subscription

ESRI announces that, for the first time, customers have the option to purchase a cloud-based subscription to ArcGIS Server, ESRI’s server-based geographic information system (GIS) software. With this option, users can purchase an annual subscription, which bundles a preconfigured ArcGIS Server instance on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) infrastructure with 12 months of ESRI technical support

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Intergraph Expands Motion Video Exploitation Solution

Today Intergraph announced the expansion of it’s Motion Video Exploitation solution with the introduction of GeoMedia® Motion Video Analyst Professional, a full-motion video analysis product that empowers military, coalition forces and agencies to exploit and analyze full motion video from UAVs and other moving vehicles, and combines with image analysis and surface analysis products to

Friday, May 21st, 2010

MAPPS Applauds Parcel Provision in Senate-Passed Financial Services Reform Bill

MAPPS, a national association of mapping and geospatial firms, applauded the inclusion of a parcel geocoding provision providing for an ‘early warning system’ in S. 3217, the “Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010,” that passed the U.S. Senate today by a vote of 59-39. The bill makes amendments to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Brazil – Guarani Aquifer Have Unified Information System

The National Water Agency (ANA) will finalize the National Node of the information system of the Guarani Aquifer in up to six months. This is the term for operating the server on which the ANA will bring together all the information for monitoring the Guarani aquifer, as the data about wells supplied by the Brazilian