Friday, January 20th, 2012
Karlsruhe city is located on the right bank of the Rhein river on the territory of the Land Baden-Wurttemberg. From the bird’s eye view, 32 streets running from the central palace linked by two ring roads remind an open fan. Therefore the city is called the «fan» city. The Federal Constitutional Court, Federal Court, and the
Friday, January 20th, 2012
Foster + Partners, Halcrow and Volterra – the team behind proposals for the Thames Hub, which includes a new £20 billion, 150 million passenger estuary airport, a four track orbital rail line and utilities spine and a new Thames crossing and barrier – today welcomed reports that the government is considering a Thames Estuary Airport
Friday, January 20th, 2012
The curving sands in central northern Iran’s salt desert, Dasht-e Kavir, can be seen in this image from the Ikonos-2 satellite. Here, clays and sand soils have a high surface salt content owing to the concentration of minerals from high summer evaporation. Iran is one of the world’s most important mineral producers. Earth-observing satellites –
Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Residents of Treasure Beach in St Elizabeth, Bluefields in Westmoreland as well as Hope Bay and Winnifred Beach in Portland all came together recently to learn about the value of sea turtles and how to monitor the 2011 nesting season. Read More
Thursday, January 19th, 2012
John Hooker was working for the British Geological Survey for a time in 1846 when a good friend sent him fossil samples from an expedition in South America. Read More
Thursday, January 19th, 2012
In order to keep its position as a stable supplier of gas to Europe, Norway has to develop its infrastructure. A gas pipeline from the Barents Sea can be the solution, Norwegian gas infrastructure agency Gassco says in a recent study. Read More
Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Oil has a high price: year in and year out, the costs for the damage caused to the environment in the Arab region grow. Environmental protection plays a very marginal role in production and distribution in these economies, said Murad Ahmad Al-Fakih from the Organization for Environmental Protection in Yemen. Soon, Al-Fakih fears, products manufactured
Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
Several of the web’s largest sites are shutting down for the day in protest of SOPA and ProtectIP, two proposed American bills that opponents say could fundamentally change the infrastructure of the web. Sites participating in the blackout include Wikipedia, Boing Boing, WordPress, Reddit, Imgur, Mojang, and Tucows. Other web giants are planning partial blackouts or offering support in other ways. Mozilla will black out some of
Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
The Moscow Government thinks it can do better than the big internet giants Yandex and Google and is introducing its own electronic map service. The authorities’ say what’s on offer at the moment doesn’t really fit the needs of Moscovites who want to report problems with roads and such. So, Moscow has spent 20 billion roubles
Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
The last photographs taken by Captain Robert Scott, lost for most of the 20th century, have been bought for the nation in time for the centenary of his doomed expedition to reach the south pole on 17 January 1912. Read More