Friday, April 15th, 2011
A majority of MPs want transport minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen to put passengers first by not cutting railway investment and leaving reduction cards as they are, reports the Volkskrant. Their demand follows an interview with the new boss of infrastructure company ProRail in the NRC in which she refused to make promises on an improvement
Friday, April 15th, 2011
The 745-mile (1,200km) route follows the watershed, the line dividing river systems that flow west to the Atlantic from those that end up in the North Sea. “Imagine you are a raindrop”, Peter Wright, the new route’s author, told me. Frankly, that wasn’t difficult. On the day I met him in the Campsie Fells the cloud was low.
Thursday, April 14th, 2011
Malaysia has adopted a new GIS crime mapping system called “Safe City Monitoring System” as part of the country’s on-going efforts to ensure that crime prevention initiatives under the Government Transformation Program’s National Key Results Area are on track and sustainable. “This clearly shows that we are very serious about ensuring that our cities are safe and free from
Thursday, April 14th, 2011
Since its inception Map Middle East has provided an international platform for building networks to enable g-lateral ties in the Middle East region for geo-spatial community. It aims to look into many aspects of geo-spatial technologies by bringing in field experts from across the length and breadth of the region. In the past Map Middle East
Thursday, April 14th, 2011
“Though we are targeting the richness of the With Glasses 3D imaging, our 3DFMax images are designed to mimic the way the eye sees. It is a more ‘real’ natural 3D image which can be enjoyed as effortlessly as conventional television without any eyestrain, viewing restrictions or unacceptable side effects. With the 3DFMax 3DTV technology,
Thursday, April 14th, 2011
Sustainable Events managing director Fiona Pelham, who is chair of the ISO technical committee that develops ISO 20121, said: “Everyone is encouraged to engage with their national standards body or one of the liaison bodies and share their feedback. The international working group has delivered an outstanding draft international standard and now is an opportunity
Thursday, April 14th, 2011
Sweden’s Swepos became the first foreign company to use Russia’s GLONASS positioning technology, due to Swepos’ conviction that it is better than GPS at northern latitudes, reported Reuters. Swepos is Sweden’s national network of permanent satellite reference stations. Its purpose is to provide satellite data for a range of applications, from real-time positioning that is accurate
Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Electricity demand, which collapsed in 2009 to 4.5% as a result of the crisis, is recovering. The president of Spain’s Red Electrica (REE), Luis Atienza, advanced yesterday that this year, total electricity demand-no-peak demand will grow by around 2%. This, coupled with the recovery already noted in 2010, will return to levels before the crisis. The nightmare of
Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Turkish airline companies will need to add 480 aircraft to their fleets over the next 18 years to accommodate huge projected increases in the number of flights through the country, according to French-based aircraft manufacturer Airbus. “Turkey’s air traffic has grown fast, and this will continue,” Airbus Vice President Chris Buckley said at a press meeting
Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Learning network is a new model for co-operation between workplaces and R&D organizations, based on open innovation approach. The network is built around some common interest, and it aims at learning and joint innovation processes at various dialogic forums.