Sunday, April 17th, 2011
Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing of the Nation, Julián Domínguez today opened the new school facilities Agrotécnica of the city of Coronel Pringles, with the mayor of the town, Carlos Oreste, the representative of Federación Agraria Argentina, Pablo Cornago, National Director of Emergency and Disaster agricultural, Haroldo Lebed, students and authorities of the establishment.
Sunday, April 17th, 2011
Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) is set to take a central role at Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2011, demonstrating progress and the latest developments on its Emirate-wide urban development strategy – Vision 2030. Plan Capital 2030, Plan Al Ain 2030 and Plan Al Gharbia 2030 will lead the UPC’s participation at Cityscape Abu Dhabi this year
Saturday, April 16th, 2011
Nation Development requires careful, calculated consideration to plan, evaluate and develop in order to ensure that the right development is in the right locations, serving the right purpose, at the right time, for the appropriate cost. As a nation, we must meet these needs, without jeopardizing the ability of future generations and sustainable design is
Saturday, April 16th, 2011
Around 200,000 UK farmers currently receive around £3 billion in subsidies every year from the EU. The ‘Single Farm Payment’ is an annual payment rewarded per hectare of land. Direct payments enable investment in modern technology and sustainable farming methods. A report released on 15th April 2011 by the Telegraph, ” Reform of farm subsidies risk putting
Saturday, April 16th, 2011
Russia will test a next-generation spacecraft, build a new cosmodrome and even consider a manned mission to Mars after 2035, the nation’s space chief said Wednesday. But Anatoly Perminov conceded that Russian spacecraft depend on imported electronics, speaking to lawmakers a day after the nation celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first human spaceflight by Yuri
Saturday, April 16th, 2011
Envisat captures dust and sand from the Algerian Sahara Desert, located in northern Africa, blowing west across the Atlantic Ocean last week. Stretching across the eastern Atlantic, strong winds carry the plume over the northwestern tip of the Iberian Peninsula (bottom), the western tip of France, the southwestern tip of England (top right) and the southwestern
Saturday, April 16th, 2011
The German cabinet has agreed on a bill that calls for capturing carbon dioxide and storing it underground. However, Germany’s states aren’t eager to implement the plan – and have a backdoor to get out of it. Months of discussions have come to an end with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government reaching an agreement on Wednesday
Friday, April 15th, 2011
Kazakhstan has benefited from the global nuclear renaissance in recent years. High oil prices and fears about the future availability of fossil fuels have encouraged a growing number of countries to turn back to nuclear energy. Kazakhstan shot ahead of both Australia and Canada to become the world’s largest producer of uranium in 2009 –
Friday, April 15th, 2011
Tens of thousands of residents of Magomeni and Mburahati in Dar es Salaam can now afford to smile again after braving for three months without reliable water supply, after pipes were disconnected at the area to pave the way for construction of a new bridge. Over 100,000 residents at Mburahati First Inn area were forced to
Friday, April 15th, 2011
Abant Natural Park in northwestern Turkey will only be opened to pedestrians following the decision of the Sakarya Regional Administrative Court to hand over the management of the Abant Natural Park to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The park had formerly been under the management of the Bolu provincial administration whom critics accused of mishandling