Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
The issue of land is at the heart of agricultural policies, rural development, territorial planning and the management of natural resources. Africa, Asia, Latin America… no continent is left indifferent! Today, development banks have placed this subject in the heart of the ‘country’ based strategies that they establish. Given that geographic information is an essential
Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
The pressure is calculated as length of the jam multiplied by the time it takes to disperse. A large part of the reduction is due to road widening schemes on the A2, A12, A58 and A9 in particular, the VID says. Improvements to the A2 alone account for four percentage points of the 16.9% decline, the
Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
Turkey has been ranked as the seventh biggest yielder in an agricultural revenue index recently announced by the World Bank, but the ranking is far from indicative of performance, as the high agricultural revenue is a result of the high domestic prices, according to a professor from the Middle East Technical University. Read More
Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
High quality imageries acquired from India’s advanced remote sensing satellite Resourcesat-2, launched last month, were presented to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman K Radhakrishnan. Dr Radhakrishnan called on Dr Singh along with a team of scientists from various centres and units of ISRO as well as the Department of Space. Resourcesat-2
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Just days before the long awaited vote on US$3.2 billion HidroAysén dam project, special police forces were sent to Coyhaique, capital of the Aysén Region and the Coyhaique province. The greatly enhanced police presence was justified, said authorities, because of the “threatening” attitude of HidroAysén opponents and fear that the 12 authorities who will vote on
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Innovative geospatial research and application technologies are the brightest spotlights at COM.Geo conference. One of COM.Geo 2011 spotlights is Mobile Geospatial – Digital Earth on Mobile Phones and iPads. There will be more than 40 presentations/talks related to the mobile geospatial at COM.Geo 2011 conference which will be held on May 23-25, Washington, DC. Learn
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Optimism is growing that the tension between Egypt, Sudan and upstream countries over the construction of the Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile could ease after Egypt said last week it was ready for talks. Egypt’s ambassador to Ethiopia, Tarek Ghoneim, said renegotiating the allocation of Nile waters and raising transparency in the matter
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Tennet, which is 100% state-owned, bought parts of the German grid at the end of 2009 but is faced with extra investment costs of between €5bn and €6n, largely to connect offshore wind parks to the mainland. The company is now looking for a partner to take a minority stake in that project, but if
Monday, May 9th, 2011
The availability of accurate hydrological data plays a key-role to developing solutions to food supply concerns and the impacts of extreme weather and rising water levels. Formulating and enforcing water management and climate adaptation policies depends on accurate information. Around the world, and particular in developing countries, such data infrastructure does not exist, hampering the
Monday, May 9th, 2011
The boreal forests in the Russian Republic of Komi serve as an important carbon storage sink and are home to several crucial species. But the area is threatened in particular by deforestation and forest fires. Since 1995, the region has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Around 15 percent of the forest area