Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
Intentional and targeted large-scale interventions in the climate system that aim to reduce global anthropogenic warming is known as geo-engineering. Some of the well-known examples of it are spreading sulphur aerosols into the atmosphere and ocean fertilisation. How viable are these options? The UBA has information on the risks, possible assessment criteria, legal frameworks, and issues some
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
Around 800,000 years ago – just when humans learned to make fire – lost the little kiezelwiertje Neodenticula seminae from the North Atlantic. Recently the microscopic algae back with a vengeance, carried by currents from the Pacific through the Arctic ice cover due to sharply decreasing in the Arctic.
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
The crew was informed that the space debris fell near the station and can leave the Soyuz, said a source quoted by the Russian space agency, adding that the debris had fallen to 250 meters the ISS. The six occupants of the International Space Station (ISS) (three Russians, two Americans and one Japanese) were evacuated
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
The board of directors of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group has approved new finances worth $716.7 million for new development projects in member countries. The board met here Tuesday on the sidelines of the IDB annual conference. IDB President Ahmed Mohamed Ali said the meeting approved two projects worth $98 million in Bangladesh, a $91 million
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
The remote St Kilda archipelago is being digitally laser scanned to create 3D images to aid in the conservation of the group of small islands. New Lanark in Lanarkshire and Neolithic sites on Orkney have already been scanned. Historic Scotland and Glasgow School of Art are carrying out the work for a project called Scottish Ten, which
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
“Safety on our roads is a high priority issue in Sweden. There are a number of areas in which we have been successful, such as attending to dangerous stretches of road by building median guardrails, using surveillance cameras and setting proper speeds. We can, and will, go even further. Our vehicles must be even better
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011
Created by The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Wecommunic8 and with support from Ordnance Survey, Britain from the Air combines stunning aerial photography from specialist photographers all over the country with informed descriptions, images and maps. The outdoor exhibition features more than 100 spectacular images celebrating Britain’s wonderfully diverse natural and human landscapes with engaging captions,
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011
The deadline for the nomination of candidates for this year’s Carl Pulfrich Award is still approaching: July 1st, 5pm CST. If you have somebody in mind worth to be nominated and/or recommended as a potential candidate please go ahead and do so. As the pioneer Carl Pulfrich has founded the Photogrammetric Week Series (1909) the
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011
Apple Co. is bent upon making its gadgets cooler for enhancing the GUI of its devices. Apple has applied for a patent for technology to make use of a mobile device’s orientation sensors to help correct common photo problems, like tilt and perspective distortion of the images captured on the iPhone or iPod . Read More
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011
“This agreement heralds a better deal for developing countries blessed with rich ecosystems and could pave the way for exciting, new medicinal and genetic innovations. We fought hard for a fair deal at Nagoya and we’ll shortly outline how to meet our international commitments at home through the England Biodiversity Strategy.” Read More