DUBUQUE, Iowa- Cartegraph, a leader in infrastructure asset management software, has announced the launch of its right-of-way permitting solution for city and county public works, engineering, and transportation departments. By adding Cartegraph for Right-of-Way Permitting to its suite of asset management, work order, resource planning and facility management solutions, the organization assists municipalities in saving time and tax dollars by streamlining the permitting process.
“We are in a period of accelerating innovation in local government right now,” says Josh Mallamud, CEO of Cartegraph. “From city hall to public works, parks and water utilities, municipal agencies are embracing technology to deliver high-quality services for their residents: online options, contactless payment, and transparent communication. It’s exciting to partner with cities and counties on these efforts. Our comprehensive and modern infrastructure management platform is designed to meet the dynamic and evolving needs of infrastructure owners—from asset and work management to ROW permitting and beyond.”
In the past, public works and engineering teams have relied on paper, spreadsheets, interoffice mail and disjointed systems to manage their street, utility, telecommunication and tree permits. These processes often led to inefficiencies, lost requests and miscommunication between departments and constituents. Today, these infrastructure-focused agencies can use Cartegraph’s secure, digital permitting hub to manage contractor, homeowner and business requests to close roads, repair sidewalks, remove trees and more.
“Procedural logjams can significantly slow down infrastructure improvement efforts. That’s why we’re so focused on helping cities and counties move beyond a ‘how we’ve always done it’ mindset,” says Mallamud. “It’s inspiring to see so many local government leaders leverage software to work smarter and create better experiences for their teams and residents—particularly at a time when no one has the luxury of extra staffing resources.”
With Cartegraph for Right-of-Way Permitting, constituents quickly submit, track and pay for permit applications. Once received, government teams easily review, approve and reject applications. Office staff can also create, store and send permits, and process payments in seconds. Cartegraph for ROW Permitting helps its users eliminate paperwork, automate workflows, boost departmental efficiency and accelerate sustainable community growth. To learn more, visit cartegraph.com/row-permitting.
About Cartegraph
Cartegraph builds safer, more resilient and sustainable communities through better stewardship of buildings and critical infrastructure. They offer powerful, intuitive SaaS solutions that help government agencies, utilities, and educational institutions manage their physical assets and associated operations. With Cartegraph software, users optimize the life of their infrastructure, deploy maintenance resources efficiently and increase productivity to drive high-performance operations. For more information, visit cartegraph.com.