URISA is pleased to announce its milestone 50th year of fostering education and professional connections at its annual conference. GIS-Pro 2012: URISA’s 50th Annual Conference for GIS Professionals will take place September 30 to October 4, 2012 in Portland, Oregon.
The committee welcomes the submission of individual papers, complete sessions, luncheon presentations, panels, and lightning talks and has proposed a list of suggested topics for consideration (note that all abstracts received will be reviewed and considered for the conference program regardless of the list below):
Data and Applications of GIS
Leadership and Management
User and Business User
Abstract submissions will be accepted until Friday, February 17, 2012. Abstract submissions should include a presentation title and descriptive abstract text not to exceed 250 words.
URISA is pleased to welcome the Northwest GIS Users’ Group as co-host of GIS-Pro 2012.
The link to the Call for Presentations and general conference information is: http://www.urisa.org/gispro2012