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Trimble and GroundProbe Collaborate to Offer Complete Monitoring Portfolio for Geotechnical and Geospatial Mining Professionals
Integrated approach means less hassle and more support for...
Space42 and ICEYE Announce Joint Venture to Bring Satellite Manufacturing to the UAE
ABU DHABI, UAE —  Space42 (ADX: SPACE42), a UAE-based...
Hexagon appoints new Group Executive Vice President and new President of Hexagon’s Geosystems division
Thomas Harring, currently President of Hexagon’s Geosystems division, appointed...

Author Archive

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Workshop on New Seismic and MT datasets in South Australia and the Northern Territory

There will be a one-day workshop on Thursday 25 November 2010 in Adelaide to present the results of new seismic reflection and magnetotelluric data collected for the L190 Gawler-Officer-Musgrave-Amadeus Deep Crustal Seismic Survey, SA and NT, 2008. This workshop will be held in conjunction with the Department of Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA), AuScope and the Northern

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Depth to Magnetic Basement Map of the Gawler-Curnamona Region, South Australia

The newly-released Depth to magnetic basement map of the Gawler-Curnamona region, South Australia map was constructed from a compilation of point-located depth values below topography consisting of depth to magnetic source estimates, basement drill hole intersections and interpreted seismic depth estimates. These point depths were combined with mapped geology to delineating the outcropping basement and were

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

OpenRouteService Becomes Routing Engine

Recently the new version 4.5.0 of the Linux-Desktop KDE has been published. The digital Globe “Marble” that is part of the KDE distribution has now route planning functionality. This is based on (ORS) which is being developed at the Chair of GIScience (Geoinformatics) at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. ORS was the first cross-national routing

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Finland – Sustainable Community – buildingSMART

Sustainable development is continuous and controlled social change that is taking place worldwide. Its ultimate objective is to secure the opportunities for a good life for present and future generations. The real estate and construction cluster plays a key role in promoting the sustainable development objectives because its environmental impacts and significance to the national

Monday, August 30th, 2010

The Mapmaker’s Eye – David Thompson on the Columbia Plateau

Unlike many of his sea-going counterparts, explorer and geographer David Thompson spent most of his life on the ground paddling and walking the rivers and land of western Canada and the Pacific north-west. His mark was made throughout these regions, extending from Hudson Bay to British Columbia and into the United States where he crossed

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Toronto Polls Its Poles

TORONTO STAR – In the deadly serious world of utility regulation, it all makes a difference. When the Ontario Energy Board orders a utility like Toronto Hydro to do an inventory of its street-lighting assets, it had better be a thorough one. Read More

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

LINK – The European Forum on Intermodal Passenger Travel

The LINK project has created a European Forum on Intermodal Passenger Travel in order to enhance the combined use of different transport modes on one single journey, with its focus on long distance trips and thus also on cross-border travelling. This stresses the context of an often unknown environment for the traveller.

Friday, July 30th, 2010

GIS Mapping The Planet With Open Source Tools

Pragmatic Bookshelf Desktop GIS Mapping The Planet With Open Source Tools Desktop GIS explores the world of Open Source GIS software and provides a guide to navigate the many options available. Discover what kind of GIS user you are and lay the foundation to evaluate the options and decide what software is best for you. Desktop GIS examines the challenges

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Arizona Geospatial Data and Maps

The Arizona Geospatial Data and Maps is the successor to the Arizona Electronic Atlas. This new site provides geospatial data to download and simple prepared maps you can view, save, or print. You will find all of the geospatial data you previously could download on the Arizona Electronic Atlas and the Arizona Historic Census GeoDatabase

Monday, July 19th, 2010

Russia, Bulgaria Sign Road Map for South Stream

KYIV POST – Bulgaria and Russia have agreed upon and signed a road map for building the South Stream gas pipeline, as well as a protocol on Russian natural gas supplies to Bulgaria. Bulgarian Economy, Energy, and Tourism Minister Traicho Traikov and Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko signed the documents in Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko

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