Thursday, October 21st, 2010
Getmapping has launched an Integrated Solution to enable Local Authorities to save money, improve efficiency, maintain staff and protect services. Getmapping’s Integrated Solution for Districts consists of four distinct parts which can be purchased individually or as a combined package. These are: Getmapping Data, Data Hosting Services, Web GIS Services and a Spatial Data Warehouse.
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
“The addition of three new languages is exciting for our users in South America, Czech Republic and CIS regions who will now have access to Geomagic’s patented processes for rapidly creating 3D polygon data directly from scan data,” said Tom Kurke, COO, Geomagic. “Resellers and partners are already being recruited to
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
Under the new constitutional dispensation, the Lands ministry is also moving urgently to speed up other land reforms that will promote transparency, accountability and enhance efficiency in land transactions. The ministry has already fully embraced information technology and is at an advanced stage in the implementation of the Land Information Management System. Read More
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
SWISSINFO – A new type of accommodation is going to appear near Zurich: flats made to measure for people suffering from a rare allergy. People who are affected by Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) can hope for a better life now that a unique project in Europe is proposing to create special homes for them. “I have spent thousands
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
RWANDA NEW TIMES – Rwanda’s huge infrastructure gap particularly in areas of energy and transportation dampens private sector productivity and are a constraint to growth, a senior at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said. This is in addition to higher transport, water and power costs that also are a major obstacle to economic development. Read More
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
BARENTS OBSERVER – Shtokman Development AG intends to pursue transparency as regards information policy, the Head of Information Policy and Communications Department Dmitry Seregin says to BarentsObserver. Today the representatives of Shtokman Development AG invited Murmansk journalists onboard of Lenin ice-breaker (now serving as a museum) to discuss ways of cooperation in the framework of
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
The most comprehensive report ever on the state of Canada’s biodiversity calls for action to ”maintain functioning ecosystems” from B.C.’s forests to the Prairies grasslands to the St. Lawrence River. Read More
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
Procedural Inc., the developer of the 3D city modeling software CityEngine, announces that it has partnered up with Escape Studios, Europe’s No.1 vendor of 3D technology, for the exclusive distribution of CityEngine in UK. “We are thrilled to collaborate with Escape Studios in UK who is one of the leading forces of 3D technology in Europe”
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES – The global ocean energy sector is witnessing a sharp turnaround with more than 45 wave and tidal prototypes being ocean tested in 2010 and 2011, after only a dozen were installed in 2009. According to a new IHS Emerging Energy Research market study, more than 1.8 GW of ocean projects in 16 countries
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
BBC – Coralina’s Seaflower Marine Protected Area was judged to have protected a “vast territory” of ocean, while helping fishermen make a better living. Projects in Ghana, Japan, the US and several European countries were also lauded in the Countdown 2010 awards. Prizes will be given at the Convention on Biological Diversity meeting here. Read