Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
ISPRA ITALY – The fifth report on the climate in Italy shows the development in 2009 of the main climate indicators derived from the National System for the collection, compilation and dissemination of climatological data of environmental interest, created in collaboration with ISPRA data bodies retain the main observational networks on the national territory. Read
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
IFREMER – Mission accomplished: MoMARSAT oceanographic campaign, which began on 1 October 2010, jointly conducted by Ifremer and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) (CNRS / Université Paris Diderot, UPMC), was completed Saturday, October 16 successfully. One of the first seafloor observatories has now been installed and transmits data to the Centre Ifremer de
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
Forests cover more than 70 per cent of the land area of Finland. Measured by the proportional share of forest land, Finland is the most forested country in Europe. A total of 20.3 million hectares is available for wood production, 61 per cent of this privately owned. In the past decades the amount of wood harvested
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
The survival of the WWF-Auen-Institut in Rastatt is secured. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and WWF Germany have signed agreements governing the future of the institute. The WWF-Auen-Institut will continue in future as part of the Institute of Geography and Geo-ecology within the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences. Read More
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
BARENTS OBSERVER – The future center for oil and gas lies in the eastern parts of the Barents Sea, believes the country’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Riis-Johansen. The minister called September 15, when Norway and Russian signed an agreement on delimitation of the Barents and Polar Sea “a historical date”, and said that
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
HURRIYET TURKEY- Turkey has been experiencing a great housing evolution over the last 10 years, Erdoğan Bayraktar, head of the Housing Development Administration of Turkey, or TOKİ, said Thursday. Speaking at the Housing Conference held in Istanbul, Bayraktar said, “TOKİ has constructed a total of 460,000 houses over the decade and the institution is about
Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Velodyne LiDAR, Inc., a leading manufacturer of high definition LiDAR sensors, today announced the appointment of George Ross to the position of director of manufacturing. Ross will be responsible for controlling all operations including the supervision of the manufacturing, production scheduling, purchasing, cost control, efficiencies and quality control of the company. All Velodyne LiDAR products are
Friday, October 22nd, 2010
RIA NOVOSTI – Russia will put eight Glonass-M satellites into orbit in 2011-2013 to ensure the effective operation of its satellite navigation network, a Russian space industry official said. Read More
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
“Wikitude Drive“, the Augmented Reality navigation system made by Mobilizy is the big winner at the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) 2010. It has been crowned „Galileo Master 2010“ as well as the GSA Special Topic Prize as best application for EGNOS, which improves positioning to 1-3 meter. 354 projects from 44 countries have
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for the infrastructure that sustains our world, today announced the winners of the 2010 Be Inspired Awards and Be Inspired Special Recognition Awards. The awards honor the extraordinary work of Bentley users improving and sustaining the world’s infrastructure. They were presented last night at