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Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Navitel Navigator 3 with Navigation Map “Russia”

“Navitel Navigator” is a unique and accurate navigation system. Detailed Russia map. Free traffic jams information service. SPEEDCAMs. The most detailed map of Russia: more than 118 000 cities and towns, 1500 of them contain address search information. The most detailed Moscow and Saint-Petersburg map. Towns and transit routes in all regions. Huge POI base (Gas stations, police, cafes, restaurants, motels, etc.). You

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Farming: ‘Put power back in hands of land users’

SCOTSMAN -It may not have been the response that the Scottish Government was looking for from its consultation on its land use strategy, but the view of Raymond Henderson, forestry consultant with land agency Bidwells, was that government should return land use decision-making to local managers. Read More

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Smart Grid Technologies Assist in Storm Situations

SMARTGRID – According to a GE Energy Services official, a smart grid technology was found to be useful in storm situations. According to Luke Clemente, general manager for metering and sensing systems and digital energy at GE Energy Services, the smart grids consist of specially designed tanks that protect transformers without disrupting electricity flow. Read More

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Map of the Month Territorial Impact of Transport Policy Scenarios

The reduction of emissions forms a key objective for the European Commission. The Europe 2020 Strategy confirms the 20-20-20 targets aiming at a reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels, 20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources and a 20% reduction in primary energy use compared

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

GSI scientist receives S. Narayanaswami Award

INDIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY – Dr. S. Ravi, Senior Geologist, Project: Diamond, Geological Survey of India (GSI), Southern Region has been awarded the ‘S. Narayanaswami Award’ for the year 2010 by Geological Society of India in recognition of his significant contribution to the field of Economic Geology and “Diamond Exploration” in particular: Read More

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Aerial Photography Added to Online Service

Aerial photography has been added to Hastings County’s online mapping service, enhancing the existing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) resources. Warden Jo-Anne Albert said the detailed, colour aerial photography is a major improvement to the free service. “With this change our county maps are becoming a powerful source of information resources and a terrific communications tool that

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

U.N. Conference on Biodiversity Establishes Nagoya Protocol

Nearly 200 countries have agreed to a global treaty aimed at protecting the biodiversity of the world’s forests, coral reefs, and other threatened ecosystems. The agreement was met with applause and relief after two weeks of heated negotiations, after environment ministers from 193 countries agreed to a landmark deal aimed at ensuring greater protection of nature

Friday, October 29th, 2010

Discussion: 3D City Be Inspired Roundtable – Amsterdam

Over 75 participants joined the 3D modelling for Intelligent Cities during Bentley’s Be Inspired conference in Amsterdam on Wednesday October 20th. Lead with passion by Pat McCrory, 7 time Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, the round table facilitated participants from around the world to share best practices and discuss opportunities around 3D City modelling. Pat

Friday, October 29th, 2010

EU-funded Scientists Studying Indonesia’s Merapi Volcano

A team of EU-funded scientists is studying Indonesia’s Merapi volcano, which started erupting on 26 October and has taken the lives of over 30 people. As well as monitoring the eruption, the team is also examining civil protection efforts in the region and investigating the impacts of the eruption on the local economy and the

Friday, October 29th, 2010

Greater Mideast is the Hot Spot for Railway Investment

ABU DHABI METRO – In aim to curb traffic congestion, Iran is creating 430 km of track and 60 km of tram rails, while Jordan is planning to boost its trade with a nationwide freight networking reaching up to 942 km, the UAE-based The National reported on Wednesday. Both projects face obstacles in raising capital,

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