Sunday, February 13th, 2011
CZEPOS provides users of GNSS correction data for accurate determination of position in the Czech Republic. CZEPOS manages and operates the Land Survey Authority as part of the geodetic control in the Czech Republic. If you are visiting the website CZEPOS first time, we recommend you go to page: information on services and products
Sunday, February 13th, 2011
In 2010, the agribusiness in Brazil grew 4.7%, reversing the decline (-4.8%) recorded the previous year.However, the result was lower than that obtained by general industry (10.5%). At the same time, it is the highest result since the 5.0% achieved in 2007. The industries associated with agriculture (4.7%), with major in agribusiness, showed better performance
Sunday, February 13th, 2011
Writes that Minister Verhagen (EL & I) in a letter to the House that the Cabinet has approved. Nuclear power plants help fight climate change and provide affordable and reliable power. The government believes it a logical choice in the transition to renewable energy. Read More
Sunday, February 13th, 2011
The University of Salzburg Centre for Geoinformatics and the Institute for GIScience at the Austrian Academy of Sciences offer an annual forum to the worldwide geoinformatics community, bringing together English-speaking researchers and practitioners across disciplines and industries. Simultaneously, the GI_Forum connects participants into a well established co-located regional symposium – Applied Geoinformatics (AGIT) – sharing the state-of-the
Sunday, February 13th, 2011
The ” AGEO Award “aims to students through recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of geographic information science to promote. The official award ceremony and presentation of the best works made in the context of an event of the Austrian Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information ( AGEO ).
Sunday, February 13th, 2011
The UNESCO attaches a great importance to renewable energy, energy efficiency and rational water management, Benkhadra told MAP following the meeting. She also announced the setting up of a working group with the UNESCO to define the major axes of bilateral cooperation and review themes relating to education, communication and awareness raising about environment and sustainable
Sunday, February 13th, 2011
NFU Scotland’s head of rural policy, Jonnie Hall, used a keynote speech at the recent On-farm Energy Generation Scotland conference to call upon the Scottish Government and local authorities to develop a simpler and more consistent system to encourage on-farm energy generation in Scotland. Mr Hall (pictured right) stressed that the potential for energy creation on
Saturday, February 12th, 2011
Once operational, the capability will provide Metop environmental data to US and European weather services twice as fast as they receive it today, since data will be dumped to ground for processing every half orbit, firstly over the existing EUMETSAT Svalbard ground station in the Arctic, followed by the McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Read More
Saturday, February 12th, 2011
“Following the spending review we challenged local authorities to look again at the cost of proposed schemes to ensure we get maximum value for every pound we spend. The councils being awarded funding today have met that challenge by achieving a saving to the taxpayer of £45.5m on the original proposed costs. Read More
Saturday, February 12th, 2011
The CNES balloon campaign 2011 has started and around 80 technicians and scientists are based at Esrange Space Center for several weeks to come. The campaign is divided into two parts and the first one will run until 17 February, while the second will run from 2 to 22 April. Read More