Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
The scenic Aker River (Akerselva) which runs through central Oslo, has been hit by massive pollution which has destroyed all marine life in the river, which was rich on salmon and trout. A week ago it as discovered that 6000 litres of Chlorine had leaked from a burst pipe at the water treatment plant north of
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
In a first for a UK local authority, Bristol City Council have awarded Blom UK, and their German partner Sun-Area, the contract to provide a detailed, interactive solar potential map of the entire city. The map will be integrated with their website to allow local property and business owners to find out if their buildings
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
ClueTrust today announces support for information-rich exports from Cartographica to Avenza’s newly-released MAPublisher 8.4 for use with Adobe Illustrator. Cartographica 1.2.2, the Geographic Information System (GIS) for Mac OS X, provides a complete set of tools which enable the user to explore, analyze, and present geospatial data. The solution combines Cartographica’s ease of use for
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
The exact geographical position of each of the 51,919 polling booths in the forthcoming West Bengal Assembly elections can soon be viewed on computer screens, just as locations of landmarks can be seen on Google maps — courtesy the Election Commission’s decision to come up with geographic information system (GIS) maps of all the booths. Apart from
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
Cargill has signed an agreement with SkySails GmbH & Co. KG (SkySails) to use wind power technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the shipping industry. SkySails, based in Hamburg, has developed innovative, patented technology that uses a kite which flies ahead of the vessel and generates enough propulsion to reduce consumption of bunker fuel
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
The overall objective of the new TRANSfer project is to enable decision-makers in developing countries to develop climate change strategies in the transport sector as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. The 3-year project is run by the GIZ and funded by the German Environment Ministry. During the project, GIZ will develop a handbook on “Navigating Transport
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
100 stunning aerial images which form part of an extraordinary outdoor exhibition can now be viewed on a new interactive map created using Ordnance Survey data. In September 2010 Michael Palin, President of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) officially opened the Britain from the Air street gallery in the historic centre of Bath. The outdoor
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
Download the brochure from the National Geographic Institute specially made for her 70 years. 70 years during which the mapping has changed dramatically, particularly through the development of computing and digital technologies. Read More
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
A small Glasgow technology firm has been recruited to play an important part in the drive to help clean up the sprawling metropolis of London. Smarter Grid Solutions (SGS) has won a £2.9 million contract to supply the software that it developed to help link wind farms and electric cars with the national grid for use
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
Fifty million “environmental refugees” will flood into the global north by 2020, fleeing food shortages sparked by climate change, experts warned at a major science conference that ended here Monday. “In 2020, the UN has projected that we will have 50 million environmental refugees,” University of California, Los Angeles professor Cristina Tirado said at the