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Saturday, April 30th, 2011

Head of Russia Space Agency Roscosmos Replace

Russia lost three satellites when a rocket crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin removed Mr Perminov, 65, because he had “reached the age limit for civil servants”, a government statement said. First Deputy Defence Minister Vladimir Popovkin will now head the federal space agency, Roscosmos. Read More

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Looking Back at CAPIGI 2011 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands

CAPIGI 2011 took place in Amsterdam from 4th to 6th of April. The Community on Agricultural Policy Implementation and Geo-Information gathered for the 4th time, connecting people from governments, industry and research organisations, discussing the impact of geo-information in implementing agricultural policy. Sticking to its’ format that was invented in 2005, CAPIGI again was able to present

Friday, April 29th, 2011

UN-Spider – Crowdsource Mapping Expert Meeting and Technical Advisory Missions

The “United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response – UN-SPIDER” was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006 with the following mission statement: “Ensure that all countries and international and regional organizations have access to and develop the capacity to use all types of space-based information to support

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg – Agenda Online

GI_Forum 2011 provides participants with a comprehensive programme of keynotes, presentations, discussion sessions, workshops and a brokerage event. Attendees are still invited to submit a poster contribution. We are proud to present our diverse and wide ranging agenda for GI_Forum: A vibrant interdisciplinary GIS community from academia, industry and government is awaiting you to analyze progress

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Forest-Centered Adaptation Online Courses Now in Spanish

Over the past year a number of forestry and climate change specialists have asked if we would offer our adaptation courses in Spanish. We are now proud to announce our four course adaptation module in Spanish beginning May 17, 2011. Please read the course description below—or follow these links: Español OL 340 Adaptación al Cambio

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Options for Voluntary REDD+ Certification – 10 standards compared

Our objective was to compare and evaluate the practical applicability to REDD+ of ten forest management, social, environmental and carbon standards that are currently active worldwide: Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB), CCB REDD+ Social and Environmental Standards (CCBA REDD+ S&E), CarbonFix Standard (CFS), Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Global Conservation Standard (GCS), ISO 14064:2006, Plan Vivo

Friday, April 29th, 2011

3D Royal Wedding Ruled Out by Palace

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s royal wedding will not become the latest 3D TV phenomenon after Buckingham Palace ruled it out. BSkyB, which launched a 3D television channel last October, went to great lengths to try to persuade the royal family of the possibilities afforded by the new technology, filming a mock wedding with the

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Africa: ‘Continent Ready for Business’

Liberia’s foremost youth activist, Kimmie Weeks has told 5,000 delegates attending the World Ventures International Convention in Las Vegas Nevada that Africa is “open and ready for business and investments.” Mr. Weeks, who served as keynote speaker for this international conference told his audience that Africa’s rapidly growing economy offered investors incredible opportunity for high

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Navigation Treaty Raises Doubts Over PM’s Istanbul Canal

The impact of a proposed new canal through western Istanbul on a key shipping treaty was up for debate Thursday, with Turkish diplomatic officials rushing to defend the plan a day after the prime minister announced it. In announcing the project Wednesday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said the new canal would relieve dangerous tanker traffic

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Royal Wedding Procession Map

On Friday 29th April HRH Prince William of Wales will marry Miss Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey. The Royal Wedding Procession will take in the capital’s most prestigious sights, promising a truly memorable event in the most picturesque surroundings London has to offer. Read More

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