Monday, May 9th, 2011
Agriculture Minister, Julian Dominguez, who participated with their peers in the Special Meeting of the CAS X (Southern Agricultural Council), said today that the Argentine draft land law “will be approved before year end”, the once said, “the legislation will encourage more investment because it ensures a legal framework.” “Our hypothesis is that there is
Monday, May 9th, 2011
While the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is working to promote sustainability in this country, the Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) is pursuing a set of similar goals in the Federal Republic of Germany. Today, both agencies signed a Joint Declaration of Intent to work together to cultivate a
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Onset Computer Corporation today announced the HOBO UX120 Pulse Logger, a highly versatile, 4-channel energy data logger that combines the functionality of four separate data loggers into a single compact unit. The HOBO UX120 enables energy management professionals – from energy auditors to building commissioners – to easily track building energy consumption, equipment runtimes, and water and
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Havok, the leading provider of interactive software solutions for simulation and characters in the games industry, is announcing its collaboration with TerraSim Inc., a developer of advanced software solutions for geospatial technologies. The alliance will enable the research and development of new capabilities which will link Havok’s industry-leading simulation technologies to TerraSim’s rapid generation of
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Blue Mars has an iPhone client that allows users to change their clothes. There’s an app for Second Life and OpenSim that allows users to chat with other users. VenueGen is working on an iPad-enabled version of their virtual world client, which runs fully in the browser. But it’s a little-known Spanish company called Virtway that has actually
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Optimism is growing that the tension between Egypt, Sudan and upstream countries over the construction of the Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile could ease after Egypt said last week it was ready for talks. Egypt’s ambassador to Ethiopia, Tarek Ghoneim, said renegotiating the allocation of Nile waters and raising transparency in the matter
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Tennet, which is 100% state-owned, bought parts of the German grid at the end of 2009 but is faced with extra investment costs of between €5bn and €6n, largely to connect offshore wind parks to the mainland. The company is now looking for a partner to take a minority stake in that project, but if
Monday, May 9th, 2011
The availability of accurate hydrological data plays a key-role to developing solutions to food supply concerns and the impacts of extreme weather and rising water levels. Formulating and enforcing water management and climate adaptation policies depends on accurate information. Around the world, and particular in developing countries, such data infrastructure does not exist, hampering the
Monday, May 9th, 2011
The boreal forests in the Russian Republic of Komi serve as an important carbon storage sink and are home to several crucial species. But the area is threatened in particular by deforestation and forest fires. Since 1995, the region has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Around 15 percent of the forest area
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Thinking About GIS is exactly that. Whether one is looking to begin a GIS project or is already involved in GIS operations and solutions but needs guidance and help, this book provides answers. Roger Tomlinson has thought about GIS from all aspects, from operations to management. He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to