Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Maps of Samur-Yalama National Park and Samur-Yalama State Natural Reserve have been prepared. State Committee on Land and Cartography of Azerbaijan has reported that work has been carried out within realization of decision №156s of the Cabinet of Ministers from 16 June 2011. Work on cartography of these protected territories was then committed to Ecology and
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Africa Renewables Ltd., headquartered in London, is actively recruiting for more than 70 new forestry and biomass production jobs in Ghana to support the country’s first wood chip supply chain venture. The project will harvest redundant rubber trees from the Ghana Rubber Estates Ltd. plantation for chipping and sale to European utilities and energy traders, according
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Computer simulations of the weather workings of the entire planet will be able to make forecasts to within a few kilometers accuracy, helping predict the effects of deadly weather systems. But the world may have to wait 20 to 40 years’ for such accurate information on weather events like El Nino as computer capacity grows, a
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Chile’s national oil and gas corporation, ENAP, announced its plans to drill 10 new exploratory wells in the Magallanes Region, northwest of Punta Arenas in the extreme south of Chile’s Patagonia. A total of US$30 million has been slated for the project. Read More
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Researching in small target detection based on radar makes it necessary to search for targets with a signal to noise (clutter) ratio of less than 1. In order to detect targets in such environments VisSim has developed an extensive library of pattern recognition and parameters analysis algorithms for studying of sea clutter. For this research VisSim
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Visualization Sciences Group SAS (VSG) announces that it has signed a definitive agreement today under which VSG acquires Noesis SA, a leader in image processing and analysis software. For more than 20 years, Noesis has been developing software solutions addressing advanced image processing needs in scientific and industrial applications. Around its flagship product Visilog, Noesis has
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Indonesian peatlands are one of the largest near-surface pools of terrestrial organic carbon. Persistent logging, drainage and recurrent fires lead to huge emission of carbon each year. Since tropical peatlands are highly inaccessible, few measurements on peat depth and forest biomass are available. We assessed the applicability of quality filtered ICESat/GLAS (a spaceborne LiDAR system)
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
New archeological evidence from ancient first nations habitations along the coasts of B.C. and Alaska show thousands of years of uninterrupted herring abundance, a trend that ended with the devastating mismanagement of the fishery in the mid-20th century, researchers say. That evidence, combined with the collapse of dozens of local spawning grounds, suggests that genetically distinct
Friday, September 2nd, 2011
The National Geographic Institute ( IGN ) ended onAugust 24 the photogrammetric survey conducted in the province of Chaco, through a cooperative agreement with the provincial government. The study will enrich the database of the province through the images taken, as well as update the national cartography. Thus, the province of Chaco will have a strategic tool for development and
Friday, September 2nd, 2011
Extending Oracle’s smart grid capabilities, Oracle Utilities Network Management System 1.11 offers new modeling and analysis features to improve distribution-grid management for electric utilities. The new modeling enhancements provide real-time views of grid activity to help properly align electricity generation with demand. Understanding potential outcomes under multiple possible conditions, such as storms, extreme temperatures and fluctuations