Monday, October 31st, 2011
Autodesk, Inc. announced that six of its value added resellers (VARs) — based in the Americas and Europe — are the first Autodesk partners to achieve Platinum Tier status, the highest level of achievement within the Autodesk Partner Program. Created in April 2011, the Platinum Tier level recognizes Autodesk partners who deliver the highest levels
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Working for several years in the field of environmental management of oil and gas ventures, the OceansatPEG realized the need to have at their disposal a tool to measure, able to withstand the demands of their more complex operations. The approach presented by Gisplan, involved key users, the company responsible for IT infrastructure, and also treated
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Serbian citizens consider that the country has made major development in environmental area, which has also been confirmed by the Serbian European Integration Office SEIO research. As a result of a research that has been conducted in the period of time between June 16, 2011 and June 23, 2011, 14 percent of the citizens have
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Real estate cadastral graphical data related to cadastral parcels, buildings and names can be viewed on the Geoportal for the areas where the digital cadastral plans are put into the official use. Data for 1 094 cadastral municipalities and parts of cadastral municipalities are currently published, covering 3 642 073 cadastral parcels and 1 050 073
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Nasa has confirmed multiple media reports that a pair of geographical mapping satellites were compromised back in 2007 and 2008. According to the reports, outside attackers were able to access ground control facilities for the satellites and attempt the contact the two units. While no work on the exact nature of the attacks was given, the
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
“We are proud of our team for remaining focused on serving our customers to deliver this strong performance, even while executing on the separation of ITT into three strongly positioned, independent companies. I want to thank all of our employees for their diligence and hard work over the last several months,” said Steve Loranger, ITT’s
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Sales of advanced electricity meters in Brazil may exceed $4 billion (Dh14.68 billion) over the next decade as South America’s largest economy seeks to curb energy theft. The country is expected to issue in December specifications for companies that want to sell wireless meters that can be monitored remotely. It may also require utilities to replace all
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
A recent orthodoxy in some circles is that long range planning is no longer a relevant activity, since everything is changing so fast. As we are told, by the time the long range plan has been developed, it is irrelevant and just so much wasted time and paper. The new orthodoxy talks about strategic planning
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
With the UK government soon to outline its strategy to implement Building Information Modelling (Bim) on all public sector building projects, the design of the built environment will change drastically. Advanced computer modelling is transforming the design process of buildings worldwide. It’s predicted to save the industry at least 10% on build costs at £1bn
Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Why teach augmented reality about gravity? I spoke with Trak Lord from Metaio’s San Francisco office about the newest improvements to their mobile AR technology. Modern smart phones come with a bevy of inertial sensors that typically are used for things like a compass function, but which Metaio can use (along with some complex algorithms)