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Trimble and GroundProbe Collaborate to Offer Complete Monitoring Portfolio for Geotechnical and Geospatial Mining Professionals
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Thomas Harring, currently President of Hexagon’s Geosystems division, appointed...

Author Archive

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

Why Cohesion and Environment Policy are Natural Partners

First, take the issue of resource efficiency: We all agree that the EU must tackle the challenge of increasing pressure on natural resources head-on. Resource efficiency is a stated aim of Europe2020 and only a week ago President Barroso formally launched the resource efficiency flagship initiative. I don’t have time to go into detail now, but

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

CoR plenary to Present Grassroots Solutions for Agriculture, Marine Protection and Cross-border Cooperation

It is regions and cities that translate European targets into concrete action on the ground. How EU lawmakers can harness this hands-on experience will dominate the Committee of the Regions plenary session on 27 and 28 January. Meeting in Brussels, regional and local politicians will present solutions for more effective agricultural and maritime policies as

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

Environment: A Good Day for Salmon, Otters and Beech forests

Europe’s flora and fauna are now better protected than at any time in the history of the European Union. Natura 2000, Europe’s network of protected natural areas, has been expanded by nearly 27 000 square kilometres. This includes a major addition of marine areas covering more than 17 500 square kilometres which will increase protection

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

INSPIRE Network Services and Data Specifications Regulations Published

To ensure that the spatial data infrastructures of the Member States are compatible and usable in a Community and transboundary context, the Directive requires that common Implementing Rules (IR) are adopted in a number of specific areas (Metadata, Data Specifications, Network Services, Data and Service Sharing and Monitoring and Reporting). These IRs are adopted as

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

EIB Supports Estlink 2 cable Linking Baltic States to Nordic Power Grid

Energy security in the Baltic States will improve greatly thanks to a 650 MW power cable linking Estonia and Finland to be built with European Investment Bank (EIB) support. An EUR 75m loan signed today with Estonian grid operator Elering will provide part of the financing for the project. Estlink 2 will connect Estonia and Finland

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

Priority Corridors Proposed for Electricity and Gas Supply

EU – Commission outlines infrastructure development targets for next two decades to ensure a secure supply.  Four corridors are identified for electricity, three for gas. Projects will be proposed in 2012. Read More

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

Commission Launches Major Investment Programme for Innovative Low-carbon Technologies

EU- The European Commission launches today the first call for proposals for the world’s largest programme of investment in low carbon and renewable energy demonstration projects. The initiative, known as NER300, will provide substantial financial support for at least eight projects involving carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies and at least 34 projects involving innovative renewable

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Commission Opens Gateway to China for European Small and Medium Size Enterprises

Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, has launched the Centre for European Union Small and Medium Enterprises (EU SME Centre) in Beijing on 5 November. Funded by the European Commission, this new venture will provide information, advice, training and matchmaking opportunities for European SMEs wishing to export to or

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

EU Guidelines for Public Administrations Purchasing Software

The European Union has published excellent, very practical guidelines to support government agencies purchase software. While it is specifically targeted at purchasing Open Source Software, by its own admission, most of the discussion is valid for purchasing Proprietary Software too. The key message that it describes in business terms, is the importance of using Open

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010

EIB Provides EUR 600 million for the Knowledge Economy and the Environment in Turkey

EU – The European Investment Bank announced today in Istanbul that it is providing under two agreements a total of EUR 600 million to support the knowledge economy and the environment in Turkey. Read More

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