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Author Archive

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Inclusion of Aviation Into the EU ETS

Following a recent media report about the inclusion of aviation into the ETS, it would be useful to recall the following: the EU has consistently been clear that it will review its legislation only if and when a global agreement to address aviation’s greenhouse gas emissions is found in ICAO. Pending this global agreement, the EU legislation

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Consultation on the EU Environment Policy Priorities for 2020

Environment Action Programmes have guided the development of EU environment policy since the early seventies. During this period, environment legislation was consolidated and completed to cover almost all environmental media, with the exception of soil. With the 6th EAP in its final year, the Commission continues to pursue an ambitious environment policy aimed at ensuring

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Improving Application of EU Environmental Laws

Commission looks at ways to help countries realise the health and economic benefits of fully applying the EU’s environmental laws. The failure by governments to fully apply the EU’s environmental laws drains our economy of an estimated €50 billion a year, due mainly to costs to our health and of cleaning up the environment. Ensuring EU laws

Monday, March 12th, 2012

Enhancing Innovation and the Delivery of Research in EU Agriculture

In his opening speech to the Conference EU Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Dacian Cioloș stated: “Fostering research, knowledge transfer and innovation in the agricultural sector is vital for improving productivity, sustainability and competitiveness. Today I would like to issue a general call for action on the question of agricultural research and innovation – a

Monday, March 5th, 2012

Sharing Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation Between Europe, Singapore and the ASEAN Region

Europe has been making the news for the wrong reasons recently. Today I want to rewrite the headlines. While clearly we have difficulties, we are taking the right decisions to ensure an economic road to recovery. Europe is most definitely open for business. As the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, I am responsible for

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

Environment: Commission Asks Poland to Correctly Transpose Legislation Concerning Water Monitoring

Poland has not yet complied with EU legislation on water protection, including monitoring of water quality. On the recommendation of Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, the Commission is sending an additional reasoned opinion to ask Poland to correctly implement the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD). This is the third time Poland has been reminded of the need to

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

European Company Law: what way forward?

The European Commission has launched today an in-depth consultation on the future of European company law. Europe needs a company law framework that is adapted to the needs of the society of today and to the evolution of the economic environment. EU company law has played a central part in building the single market. It

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Commission Consults Stakeholders On State aid Rules for the Maritime Sector

The European Commission has launched a public consultation, to get stakeholders’ views on the application of the 2004 EU Guidelines on state aid to maritime transport. Submissions can be made until 14 May 2012. In light of the comments received, the Commission will decide whether the Guidelines need to be revised and will consult further

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

New Satellites and Launchers Ensure Galileo Start in 2014

In total, 3 contracts were signed: the contract signed with OHB System AG (DE) comprising 8 satellites for an amount in the order of €250 million. A second contract was signed with Arianespace (FR) for a booking option of up to 3 launches using Ariane 5 (booking fee of €30 million). A third contract was

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Growing the EU’s Online Economy

Proposals to encourage more online commerce would make it easier to shop on the Internet across the EU – contributing to economic growth and job creation. Electronic commerce offers many potential benefits for consumers and businesses: lower prices, increased access to goods, development of innovative services and creation of new jobs.

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