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June 30th, 2017
Astun Technology Approved as G-Cloud 9 Supplier to the UK Public Sector

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Astun Technology, providers of cloud-based open-source GIS solutions has been accepted as a G-Cloud 9 supplier.

The G-Cloud is a framework agreement for use by UK Public Sector bodies which allows them to choose and purchase cloud computing services covering infrastructure, platform, software and specialist cloud services. The framework is for commodity based, pay-as-you go cloud services in three specific areas; cloud hosting, cloud software and cloud support.

Astun Technology was formed in 2005 to provide open source and web-based GIS services to local and central governments.  Today, as all organisations realise the technical and financial benefits of using cloud solutions to create, manage and deliver their crucial geo-services, the demand for Astun’s knowledge and experience in delivering marketing leading, fully managed AWS-based GIS cloud solutions, continues to grow.

Mike Smith, Head of Sales for Astun commented on how joining the G-Cloud 9 will benefit his company’s customers; “The G-Cloud frameworks have proved very popular with our customers as they have helped them to simplify their procurement process whilst ensuring that they receive excellent value for money. G-Cloud 9 is particularly important as it will supercede all previous G-Cloud Frameworks.

To search the G-Cloud 9 Framework visit and to see Astun on the G-Cloud 9 visit

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