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July 19th, 2010
AIR Worldwide Releases Next Generation U.S. Hurricane Model

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Catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide (AIR) released the latest version of the AIR Hurricane Model for the United States. Version 12.0 includes extensive updates to the hazard and vulnerability components of the model that incorporate the latest science, data, and detailed claims information from recent storms to provide a more comprehensive realistic and detailed view of U.S. hurricane risk. Along with certification by the Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology, the updated model was independently reviewed by three world-renowned hurricane researchers and six widely respected wind engineers.“I’m impressed by the level of knowledge and understanding of the AIR research team,” said Dr. Kerry Emanuel, professor, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The Version 12.0 update to the AIR U.S. hurricane model incorporates enhancements that encompass virtually every component of the model,” said Dr. Peter Dailey, assistant vice president and director of atmospheric science at AIR Worldwide. “The update sets a new standard for the industry by providing a more complete view of U.S. hurricane risk and a significantly better method for differentiating the risk to properties based on such factors as geography, construction, occupancy, year built, and individual building characteristics.” Read More

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