The AGI GeoCommunity ’11 conference committee met in Nottingham on the 9 Feb to discuss and agree a conference title and to shape the Call for Papers. The title agreed for this year’s AGI GeoCommunity conference is ‘Placing Ourselves in the New Economy’.
With so much social, political, economic and environmental change both at home and internationally, we all agree that the geocommunity has much to offer. But how do we articulate that? How do we make a difference? How do our roles and responsibilities count in the bigger picture? How do we place ourselves within the new economic activity that is needed to grow the future UK national prosperity? How do we support efficiency savings? Which technology, data, standards and public policies can we exploit? How are we embracing social and environmental challenges facing us and finding answers? How can we help better serve the citizen? How does GI best practice best support effective decision making and accurate analysis? How can we convince decision makers? We will bring the geocommunity together to address these questions and others, to share experiences, and to express and prove our vital place in what is becoming a new economy.
The Call for Papers with several supporting themes to help stimulate the thoughts of contributors will be released in late February.