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September 27th, 2011
AeroGRID Signs Agreement with Lantmäteriet

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The Swedish national mapping agency Lantmäteriet has signed an agreement with AeroGRID Limited for data distribution including aerial imagery of the whole of Sweden (450,000km²). Clients can purchase the data both on and offline. AeroGRID can now offer complete aerial survey coverage of Scandinavia and much of Western Europe.

The Lantmäteriet data includes imagery of Lapland which is often difficult to source even from satellite data. Over the next few weeks AeroGRID is expecting to announce further agreements which will bring its high resolution aerial coverage to over 3.5 million square kilometres.
“We are extremely pleased to have signed this agreement,” said Miles Taylor, AeroGRID’s General Manager. “Lantmateriet is one of the most advanced European government agencies especially in terms of its internet experience and will be a valuable partner for AeroGRID. We now provide more than 2 million square kilometres of continuous, photogrammetrically accurate, orthophoto coverage of Western Europe” continued Taylor.

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