Surveyors and LiDAR professionals can expect an increase of 300% in ground point density as compared to most other models at a comparable price point that spin the laser 360 degrees, resulting in wasted data. Its 300m laser range also makes the Pioneer P10 ideal for achieving the best range and power for challenging scans such as high vegetation penetration above 100m with up to three returns.
Late 2018 will also see the launch of Phoenix LiDAR’s new AIR NavBox. The newest generation, ultra-lightweight (450g) rover will help meet the rigorous demands of various industries and applications by greatly increasing flexibility in two key areas:
configuration of heavier payloads for the DJI M600 series, such as Phoenix LiDAR’s 5kg, RANGER LR-LITE paired with the Phase One iXM; and higher range with the highest resolution cameras on the market. The new Phoenix LiDAR AIR NavBox offers the most industry-altering capabilities in a tiny box not much bigger than a standard-size computer mouse.
The new Phoenix SLAM, slated for an early-2019 release, makes Phoenix LiDAR products more versatile by offering a dependable tool for mapping GPS-denied environments, such as underground mines and indoors. With the addition of augmented reality glasses, any Phoenix LiDAR SCOUT series model can be converted into a SLAM-compatible solution using the onboard software, navigation system and sensor for SLAM. Additionally, the Phoenix SLAM extends previous mapping solutions by supporting hybrid mapping modes: sparse GNSS fixes before, during and after SLAM
acquisition can be used to eliminate drift and properly reference data in space and time. Existing ground control points can also be tied into the solution to ensure that deliverables align with ground truth.
The announcement of the Pioneer P10, Phoenix SLAM, and AIR NavBox comes on the heels of Phoenix LiDAR’s LiDARMill launch, the first cloud-based, fully-automated LiDAR post-processing tool which helps reduce costs by leveraging cloud computing to automate post-processing. Phoenix LiDAR’s new platform enables even more companies to take advantage of the detailed 3D data which LiDAR offers.
For more information, please visit the Phoenix LiDAR booth (#12.0A.101) at INTERGEO
2018 from October 16-18, 2018 or